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15.2. Overview

The MySQL server is built in a modular fashion:

Figure 15.1. MySQL architecture

MySQL architecture

The storage engines manage data storage and index management for MySQL. The MySQL server communicates with the storage engines through a defined API.

Each storage engine is a class with each instance of the class communicating with the MySQL server through a special handler interface.

Handlers are instanced on the basis of one handler for each thread that needs to work with a specific table. For example: If three connections all start working with the same table, three handler instances will need to be created.

Once a handler instance is created, the MySQL server issues commands to the handler to perform data storage and retrieval tasks such as opening a table, manipulating rows, and managing indexes.

Custom storage engines can be built in a progressive manner: Developers can start with a read-only storage engine and later add support for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations, and even later add support for indexing, transactions, and other advanced operations.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire