Chapter 11
Advanced and Creative CGI Applications |
the final example for this book, we will look at a very complicated
program that uses a combination of CGI techniques: database manipulation,
recursive program invocation, and virtual imagemaps.
are virtual imagemaps? As we explained in the previous section,
most people who provide images for users to click on have to store
information about the imagemap in a file. The program I'm about
to show you, however, determines the region in which the user clicked,
and performs the appropriate action on the fly--without using any
auxiliary files or scripts. Let's discuss the implementation of
these techniques more thoroughly.
If a graphic browser
is used to access this Calendar program, an imagemap of the current
calendar is displayed listing all appointments. When an area on
the image is clicked, the program calculates the date that corresponds
to that region, and displays all the appointments for that date.
Another important thing to note about the program is the way in
which the imagemap is created--the script is actually executed twice
(more on this later). Figure 11.4 shows a typical image of the calendar.
If the user accesses this program with a
text browser, a text version of the calendar is displayed. You have
seen this kind of dual use in a lot of programs in this book; you
should design programs so that users with both types of browsers
can access and use a CGI program. The text output is shown in Figure 11.5.
Since the same program handles many types
of queries and offers a lot of forms and displays, it can be invoked
in several different ways. Most users will start by clicking on
a simple link without a query string, which causes an imagemap (or
text equivalent, for non-graphics browsers) of the current month
to be displayed:
If the user then selects the "Full Year Calendar" option,
the following query is passed:
When the user clicks an area on the image (or selects a link
on the text calendar), the following query is sent:
The program will then display all the appointments for that
date. The month field stores the selected month
and year. Calendar Manager allows the user to set up appointments
for any month, so it is always necessary to store the month and
year information.
To be useful, of course, this program
has to do more than offer a view of the calendar. It must allow
changes and searches as well. Four actions are offered:
- Add an appointment
- Delete an appointment
- Change an appointment
- Search the appointments by keyword
Each method uses a different query to invoke the program.
For instance, a search passes a URL and query information like this:
This will display a form where the user can enter a search
string. The type field indicates the type of
action to perform. The reason we use both action
and type fields is that each action
involves two steps, and the type field reflects
these steps.
For instance, suppose the user asks to
add an appointment. The program is invoked with type=form,
causing it to display a form in which the user can enter all the
information about the appointment. When the user submits the form,
the program is invoked with the field type=execute.
This causes the program to issue an SQL command that inserts the
appointment into the database. Both steps invoke the program with
the action=add field, but they can be distinguished
by the type field.
When the user
fills out and submits this form, the query information passed to
this program is:
The string "?action=search&type=execute&month=11/1995"
is stored in QUERY_STRING, while the information
in the form is sent as a POST stream. We will
look at the method of passing information in more detail later on.
In this case, the type is equal to execute, which instructs the
program to execute the search request.
Let's discuss
for a minute the way in which the database is interfaced with this
program. All appointments are stored in a text-delimited file, so
that an administrator/user can add and modify appointment information
by using a text editor. The CGI program uses Sprite to manipulate
the information in this file. So this program uses two modules that
were introduced in earlier chapters: gd, which
was covered in Chapter 6, Hypermedia Documents, and Sprite,
which appeared in Chapter 9, Gateways, Databases, and Search/Index Utilities.
Enough discussion--let's
look at the program:
use GD;
use Sprite;
$webmaster = "Shishir Gundavaram (shishir\@bu\.edu)";
$cal = "/usr/bin/cal";
cal utility
displays a text version of the calendar. See the draw_text_calendar
subroutine to see what the output of this command looks like.
$database = "/home/shishir/calendar.db";
$delimiter = "::";
The database uses the "::" string
as a delimiter and contains six fields for each calendar event:
ID, Month, Day,
Year, Keywords, and Description.
The ID field uniquely identifies an appointment
based on the time of creation. The Month (numerical),
Day, and Year are self-explanatory. One thing to note here is that the Year
is stored as a four-digit number (i.e., 1995, not 95).
Keywords field is a short description of the
appointment. This is what is displayed on the graphic calendar.
And finally, the Description field should contain
a more lengthy explanation regarding the appointment. Here is the
format for a typical appointment file:
796421318::11::02::1995::See Professor::It is important that I see the professor
806421529::11::03::1995::ABC Enterprises::Meet Drs. Bird and McHale about job!!
805762393::11::03::1995::Luncheon Meeting::Travel associates
Now to create and
manipulate the data:
($current_month, $current_year) = (localtime(time))[4,5];
$current_month += 1;
$current_year += 1900;
three statements determine the current month and year. Remember,
the month number, as returned by localtime,
is zero-based (0-11, instead of 1-12). And the year is returned
as a two-digit number (95, instead of 1995).
$action_types = '^(add|delete|modify|search)$';
$delete_password = "CGI Super Source";
The $action_types
variable consists of four options that the user can select from
the Calendar Manager. The user is asked for a password when the
delete option is chosen. Replace this with a password of your choice.
&check_database ();
&parse_query_and_form_data (*CALENDAR);
The check_database
subroutine checks for the existence of the calendar database. The
database is created if it does not already exist. The parse_query_and_form_data
subroutine is called to parse all information from the Calendar
Manager, handling both POST and GET
queries. As in so many other examples, an associative array proves
useful, so that's what CALENDAR is.
$action = $CALENDAR{'action'};
$month = $CALENDAR{'month'};
($temp_month, $temp_year) = split ("/", $month, 2);
The action
and month fields are
stored in variables. The month and year are split from the month
field. As you saw near the beginning of this section, the month
field has a format like 11/1995.
if ( ($temp_month =~ /^\d{1,2}$/) && ($temp_year =~ /^\d{4}$/) ) {
if ( ($temp_month >= 1) && ($temp_month <= 12) ) {
$current_month = $temp_month;
$current_year = $temp_year;
If the month and year
values as specified in the query string are valid numbers, they
are stored in $current_month and $current_year.
Otherwise, these variables will reflect the current month and year
(as defined above). One feature of this program is that it remembers
the month that the user most recently clicked or entered in a search
form. The month chosen by the user is stored in $current_month
so that it becomes the default for future searches.
@month_names = ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
$weekday_names = "Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat";
$current_month_name = $month_names[$current_month - 1];
$current_month_year = join ("/", $current_month, $current_year);
$current_month_name variable contains the full
name of the specified month. $current_month_year
is a string containing the month and year (e.g.,"11/1995").
This completes the initialization. Remember that the program
is called afresh each time the user submits a form or clicks on
a date, so it runs through this initialization again and potentially
changes the current month. But now it is time to handle the action
that the user passed in the query.
if ($action eq "full") {
&display_year_calendar ();
If the user passed the full field, display_year_calendar
is called to display the full year calendar.
} elsif ($action eq "view") {
$date = $CALENDAR{'date'};
&display_all_appointments ($date);
If the user selects to view the appointments
for a certain date, the display_all_appointments
routine displays all of the appointments for that date.
} elsif ($action =~ /$action_types/) {
$type = $CALENDAR{'type'};
if ($type eq "form") {
$dynamic_sub = "display_${action}_form";
&$dynamic_sub ();
} elsif ($type eq "execute") {
$dynamic_sub = "${action}_appointment";
&$dynamic_sub ();
} else {
&return_error (500, "Calendar Manager", "An invalid query was passed!");
If the
action field contains one of the four actions
defined near the beginning of the program, the appropriate subroutine
is executed. This is an example of a dynamic subroutine call. For
example, if the action is "add" and the type
is "form," the $dynamic_sub variable will call
the display_add_form subroutine. This is much
more compact than to conditionally compare all possible values.
} else {
&display_month_calendar ();
exit (0);
If no query is passed (or the query does not match the ones
above), the display_month_calendar subroutine
is called to output the current calendar in the appropriate format,
either as a graphic imagemap or as plain text.
the rest of this chapter I'm going to explain the various subroutines
that set and retrieve data, create a display, and parse input. We'll
start with some database functions. You'll also find incidental
routines here, which I've written as conveniences because their
functions appear so often.
The following subroutine
checks to see if the calendar database exists. If not, we create
one. This job is simple, since we're using a flat file with Sprite
as an interface: we just open a file with the desired name and write
a one-line header.
sub check_database
local ($exclusive_lock, $unlock, $header);
$exclusive_lock = 2;
$unlock = 8;
if (! (-e $database) ) {
if ( open (DATABASE, ">" . $database) ) {
flock (DATABASE, $exclusive_lock);
$header = join ($delimiter, "ID", "Month", "Day",
"Year", "Keywords", "Description");
print DATABASE $header, "\n";
flock (DATABASE, $unlock);
close (DATABASE);
} else {
&return_error (500, "Calendar Manager",
"Cannot create new calendar database.");
If the database does not exist, a header line is output:
The following subroutine just returns an error; it is defined
for convenience and used in open_database.
sub Sprite_error
&return_error (500, "Calendar Manager",
"Sprite Database Error. Check the server log file.");
The open_database subroutine passes an
SQL statement to the Sprite database.
sub open_database
local (*INFO, $command, $rdb_query) = @_;
local ($rdb, $status, $no_matches);
This subroutine
accepts three arguments: a reference to an array, the SQL command
name, and the actual query to execute. A typical call to the subroutine
looks like:
&open_database (undef, "insert", <<End_of_Insert);
insert into $database
(ID, Day, Month, Year, Keywords, Description)
($time, $date, $current_month, $current_year, '$keywords', '$description')
The third argument looks strange because it's telling the
subroutine to read the query on the following lines. In other words,
the SQL query lies between the call to open_database
and the text on the closing line, End_of_Insert.
The effect is to insert a new appointment containing information
passed by the user. Remember, we would also have to escape single
and double quotes in the field values.
$rdb = new Sprite ();
$rdb->set_delimiter ("Read", $delimiter);
$rdb->set_delimiter ("Write", $delimiter);
This creates a new Sprite database
object, and sets the read and write delimiters to the value stored
in $delimiter (in this case, "::").
if ($command eq "select") {
@INFO = $rdb->sql ($rdb_query);
$status = shift (@INFO);
$no_matches = scalar (@INFO);
$rdb->close ();
If the user passed
a select command, the query is executed with
the sql method (in object-oriented programming,
"method" is a glorified term for a subroutine). We treat the select
commands separately from other commands because it doesn't change
the database, but just returns data. All other commands modify the
The INFO array contains
the status of the request (success or failure) in its first element,
followed by other elements containing the records that matched the
specified criteria. The status and the number of matches are stored.
if (!$status) {
&Sprite_error ();
} else {
return ($no_matches);
If the status is zero, the Sprite_error
subroutine is called to output an error. Otherwise, the number of
matches is returned.
} else {
$rdb->sql ($rdb_query) || &Sprite_error ();
$rdb->close ($database);
If the user passes a
command other than select (in other words,
a command that modifies the database), the program executes it and
saves the resulting database.
Now, we will look at three
very simple subroutines that output the header, the footer, and
the "Location:" HTTP header, respectively.
sub print_header
local ($title, $header) = @_;
print "Content-type: text/html", "\n\n";
print "<HTML>", "\n";
print "<HEAD><TITLE>", $title, "</TITLE></HEAD>", "\n";
print "<BODY>", "\n";
$header = $title unless ($header);
print "<H1>", $header, "</H1>", "\n";
print "<HR>", "\n";
print_header subroutine accepts two arguments: the title and the
header. If no header is specified, the title of the document is used
as the header.
The next subroutine outputs a plain footer. It is used at
the end of forms and displays.
sub print_footer
print "<HR>", "\n";
print "<ADDRESS>", $webmaster, "</ADDRESS>", "\n";
print "</BODY></HTML>", "\n";
Finally, the Location: header,
which we described in Chapter 3, is output by the
print_location subroutine after an add, delete, or modify
request. By passing a URL in the Location:
header, we make the server re-execute the program so that the user
sees an initial Calendar page again.
sub print_location
local ($location_URL);
$location_URL = join ("", $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}, "?",
"browser=", $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}, "&",
"month=", $current_month_year);
print "Location: ", $location_URL, "\n\n";
is a very important subroutine, though it may look very simple.
The subroutine outputs the Location: HTTP
header with a query string that contains the browser name and the
specified month and year. The reason we need to supply the browser
name is that the HTTP_USER_AGENT environment
variable does not get set when there is a URL redirection. When
the server gets this script and executes it, it does not set the
HTTP_USER_AGENT variable. So this program will
not know the user's browser type unless we include the information.
In this section
you'll find subroutines that figure out what the user has asked
for and display the proper output. All searches, additions, and
so forth take place here. Usually, a database operation takes place
in two steps: one subroutine displays a form, while another accepts
input from the form and accesses the database.
start out with display_year_calendar, which
displays the full year calendar.
sub display_year_calendar
local (@full_year);
@full_year = `$cal $current_year`;
If the cal
command is specified without a month number, a full year is displayed.
The `backtics` execute the command and store the output in the specified
variable. Since the variable $current_year
can be based on the month field in the query
string, it is important to check to see that it does not contain
any shell metacharacters. What if some user passed the following
query to this program?
It can be quite dangerous! You might be wondering where we
are checking for shell metacharacters. Look back at the beginning
of this program, where we made sure that the month and year are
decimal numbers.
The output from cal is stored in the
@full_year array, one line per element. Now
we trim the output.
@full_year = @full_year[5..$#full_year-3];
The first four and last three lines from the output are discarded,
as they contain extra newline characters. The array will contain
information in the following format:
Jan Feb Mar
S M Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th F S S M Tu W Th F S
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
29 30 31 26 27 28 26 27 28 29 30 31
Let's move on.
grep (s|(\w{3})|<B>$1</B>|g, @full_year);
This might look like some deep magic. But it is actually quite
a simple construct. The grep iterates through
each line of the array, and adds the <B>..</B> tags to strings
that are three characters long. In this case, the strings correspond
to the month names. This one line statement is equivalent to the
foreach (@full_year) {
Now, here is the rest of this subroutine, which simply outputs
the calendar.
&print_header ("Calendar for $current_year");
print "<PRE>", @full_year, "</PRE>", "\n";
&print_footer ();
following subroutine displays the search form. It is pretty straightforward.
The only dynamic information in this form is the query string.
sub display_search_form
local ($search_URL);
$search_URL = join ("", $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}, "?",
"action=search", "&",
"type=execute", "&",
"month=", $current_month_year);
The query string sets the type field
to execute, which means that this program will call the search_appointment
subroutine to search the database when this form is submitted. The
month and year are also set; this information is passed back and
forth between all the forms, so that the user can safely view and
modify the calendars for months other than the current month.
&print_header ("Calendar Search");
print <<End_of_Search_Form;
This form allows you to search the calendar database for certain information. The Keywords and Description fields are searched for the string you enter.
<FORM ACTION="$search_URL" METHOD="POST"> Enter the string you would like to search for: <P>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="search_string" SIZE=40 MAXLENGTH=40> <P>
Please enter the <B>numerical</B> month and the year in which to search. Leaving these fields empty will default to the current month and year: <P>
Month: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="search_month" SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4><BR> Year: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="search_year" SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4> </PRE>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search the Calendar!"> <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear the form"> </FORM>
&print_footer ();
is the subroutine that actually performs the search:
sub search_appointment
local ($search_string, $search_month, $search_year, @RESULTS,
$matches, $loop, $day, $month, $year, $keywords,
$description, $search_URL, $month_name);
$search_string = $CALENDAR{'search_string'};
$search_month = $CALENDAR{'search_month'};
$search_year = $CALENDAR{'search_year'};
Three variables
are declared to hold the form information. We could have used the
information from the CALENDAR associative array directly, without
declaring these variables. This is done purely for a visual effect;
the code looks much neater.
if ( ($search_month < 1) || ($search_month > 12) ) {
$CALENDAR{'search_month'} = $search_month = $current_month;
If no
month number was specified, or if the month is not in the valid
range, it is set to the value stored in $current_month.
This value may or may not be the actual month in which the user
is running the program. The user changes $current_month
by specifying a search for a different month.
if ($search_year !~ /^\d{2,4}$/) {
$CALENDAR{'search_year'} = $search_year = $current_year;
} elsif (length ($search_year) < 4) {
$CALENDAR{'search_year'} = $search_year += 1900;
If the year is not specified, or if it
does not contain at least two digits, it is set to $current_year.
And if the length of the year field is less than 4, 1900 is added.
$search_string =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g;
$matches = &open_database (*RESULTS, "select", <<End_of_Select);
select Day, Month, Year, Keywords, Description from $database
where ( (Keywords =~ /$search_string/i) or
(Description =~ /$search_string/i) ) and
(Month = $search_month) and
(Year = $search_year)
The open_database subroutine is called
to search the database for any records that match the specified
criteria. The RESULTS array will contain the
Day, Month, Year,
Keywords, and Description
fields for the matched records.
unless ($matches) {
&return_error (500, "Calendar Manager",
"No appointments containing $search_string are found.");
If there are no records that match the search information
specified by the user, an error message is output.
&print_header ("Search Results for: $search_string");
for ($loop=0; $loop < $matches; $loop++) {
$RESULTS[$loop] =~ s/([^\w\s\0])/sprintf ("&#%d;", ord ($1))/ge;
($day, $month, $year, $keywords, $description) =
split (/\0/, $RESULTS[$loop], 5);
$search_URL = join ("", $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}, "?",
"action=view", "&",
"date=", $day, "&",
"month=", $month, "/", $year);
$keywords = "No Keywords Specified!" unless ($keywords);
$description = "-- No Description --" unless ($description);
$description =~ s/<BR>/<BR>/g;
$month_name = $month_name[$month - 1];
print <<End_of_Appointment;
<A HREF="$search_URL">$current_month_name $day, $year</A><BR> <B>$keywords</B><BR>
The for loop iterates through the RESULTS
array, and creates a hypertext link with a query string for each
appointment. This will allow the user to just click the appointment
to get a list of all the appointments for that date. (You may remember
that, at the very beginning of this section, we showed how to retrieve
appointments for a particular day by passing an action
field along with date and month
print "<HR>" if ($loop < $matches - 1);
&print_footer ();
horizontal rule is output after each record, except after the last
one. This is because the print_footer subroutine
outputs a horizontal rule as well.
Now, let's look at
the form that is displayed when the "Add New Appointment!" link
is selected.
sub display_add_form
local ($add_URL, $date, $message);
$date = $CALENDAR{'date'};
$message = join ("", "Adding Appointment for ",
$current_month_name, " ", $date, ", ", $current_year);
$add_URL = join ("", $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}, "?",
"action=add", "&",
"type=execute", "&",
"month=", $current_month_year, "&",
"date=", $date);
the add option is selected by the user, the
following query is passed to this program (see the display_all_appointments
Before this subroutine is called, the main program sets the
variables $current_month_name and so on.
This information is used to build another query string that
will be passed to this program when the form is submitted.
&print_header ("Add Appointment", $message);
print <<End_of_Add_Form;
This form allows you to enter an appointment to be stored in the calendar database.
To make it easier for you to search for specific appointments later on, please use descriptive words to describe an appointment. <P>
<FORM ACTION="$add_URL" METHOD="POST"> Enter a brief message (keywords) describing the appointment: <P>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="add_keywords" SIZE=40 MAXLENGTH=40> <P>
Enter some comments about the appointment: <TEXTAREA ROWS=4 COLS=60 NAME="add_description"></TEXTAREA><P> <P>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Add Appointment!"> <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear Form"> </FORM>
add_appointment subroutine adds a record to the calendar database:
sub add_appointment
local ($time, $date, $keywords, $description);
$time = time;
The $time
variable contains the current time, as the number of seconds since
1970. This is used as a unique identification for the record.
$date = $CALENDAR{'date'};
($keywords = $CALENDAR{'add_keywords'}) =~ s/(['"])/\\$1/g;
($description = $CALENDAR{'add_description'}) =~ s/\n/<BR>/g;
$description =~ s/(['"])/\\$1/g;
All newline
characters in the description field are converted to <BR>. This
is because of the way the Sprite database stores records. Remember,
the database is text-delimited, where each field is delimited by
a certain string, and each record is terminated by a newline character.
&open_database (undef, "insert", <<End_of_Insert);
insert into $database
(ID, Day, Month, Year, Keywords, Description)
($time, $date, $current_month, $current_year, '$keywords', '$description')
The open_database subroutine is called
to insert the record into the database. Notice the quotes around
the variables $keywords and $description.
These are absolutely necessary since the two variables contain string
The display_delete_form subroutine displays
a form that asks for a password before an appointment can be deleted.
The delete and modify
options are available for each appointment. As a result, when you
select one of these options, the identification of that appointment
is passed to this script, so that the appropriate information can
be retrieved quickly and efficiently.
sub display_delete_form
local ($delete_URL, $id);
$id = $CALENDAR{'id'};
$delete_URL = join ("", $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}, "?",
"action=delete", "&",
"type=execute", "&",
"id=", $id, "&",
"month=", $current_month_year);
When the user selects
the delete option in the calendar, the following
query is passed to this script:
https://some.machine/cgi-bin/calendar.pl?action=delete&type=form&month=11/ 1995&id=806421529
This query information
is used to construct another query that will be passed to this program
when the form is submitted.
&print_header ("Deleting appointment");
print <<End_of_Delete_Form;
order to delete calendar entries, you need to enter a valid identification
code (or password):
<INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="code" SIZE=40> <P>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Delete Entry!">
<INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear the form"> </FORM>
&print_footer ();
following subroutine checks the password that is entered by the
user. If the password is valid, the appointment is deleted, and
a server redirect is performed, so that the calendar is displayed.
sub delete_appointment
local ($password, $id);
$password = $CALENDAR{'code'};
$id = $CALENDAR{'id'};
if ($password ne $delete_password) {
&return_error (500, "Calendar Manager",
"The password you entered is not valid!");
} else {
&open_database (undef, "delete", <<End_of_Delete);
delete from $database
where (ID = $id)
&print_location ();
If the password is valid, the record identified by the unique
time is deleted from the database. Otherwise, an error message is
The display_modify_form
subroutine outputs a form that contains the information about the
record to be modified. This information is retrieved from the database
with the help of the query information that is passed to this script:
https://some.machine/cgi-bin/calendar.pl?action=modify&type=form&month=11/ 1995&id=806421529
Here is the subroutine:
sub display_modify_form
local ($id, $matches, @RESULTS, $keywords, $description, $modify_URL);
$id = $CALENDAR{'id'};
$matches = &open_database (*RESULTS, "select", <<End_of_Select);
select Keywords, Description from $database
where (ID = $id)
unless ($matches) {
&return_error (500, "Calendar Manager",
"Oops! The appointment that you selected no longer exists!");
The identification number is used to retrieve the Keywords
and Description fields from the database. If
there are no matches, an error message is output. This will happen
only if the Calendar Manager is being used by multiple users, and
one of them deletes the record pointed to by the identification
($keywords, $description) = split (/\0/, shift (@RESULTS), 2);
$keywords = &escape_html ($keywords);
$description =~ s/<BR>/\n/g;
The appointment
keywords and description are obtained from the results. We call
the escape_html subroutine to escape certain
characters that have a special significance to the browser, and
we also convert the <BR> tags in the description back to newlines,
so that the user can modify the description.
$modify_URL = join ("", $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}, "?",
"action=modify", "&",
"type=execute", "&",
"id=", $id, "&",
"month=", $current_month_year);
&print_header ("Modify Form");
print <<End_of_Modify_Form;
This form allows you to modify the <B>description</B> field for an existing appointment in the calendar database. <P>
<FORM ACTION="$modify_URL" METHOD="POST"> Enter a brief message (keywords) describing the appointment: <P>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="modify_keywords" SIZE=40 VALUE="$keywords" MAXLENGTH=40>
Enter some comments about the appointment: <TEXTAREA ROWS=4 COLS=60 NAME="modify_description"> $description
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Modify Appointment!"> <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear Form"> </FORM>
&print_footer ();
form containing the values of the selected appointment is displayed.
Only the keywords and description fields can be modified by the
user. The escape_html subroutine escapes characters
in a specified string to prevent the browser from interpreting them.
sub escape_html
local ($string) = @_;
local (%html_chars, $html_string);
%html_chars = ('&', '&',
'>', '>',
'<', '<',
'"', '"');
$html_string = join ("", keys %html_chars);
$string =~ s/([$html_string])/$html_chars{$1}/go;
return ($string);
The modify_appointment
subroutine modifies the information in the database.
sub modify_appointment
local ($modify_description, $id);
($modify_description = $CALENDAR{'modify_description'}) =~ s/(['"])/\\$1/g;
$id = $CALENDAR{'id'};
&open_database (undef, "update", <<End_of_Update);
update $database
set Description = ('$modify_description') where (ID = $id)
&print_location ();
update SQL command modifies the description
for the record in the calendar database. Then a server redirect
is performed.
let's change gears and discuss some of the more complicated subroutines,
the first one being display_month_calendar.
This subroutine either draws a calendar, or interprets the coordinates
clicked by the user. Because we're trying to do a lot with this
subroutine (and run it in several different situations), don't be
surprised to find it rather complicated. There are three things
the subroutine can do:
- In the simplest case, this subroutine
is called when no coordinate information has been passed to the
program. It then creates a calendar covering a one-month display.
The output_HTML routine is called to do this
(assuming that the user has a graphics browser).
- If coordinate information is passed, the subroutine
figures out which date the user clicked and displays the appointments
for that date, using the display_all_appointments
- Finally, if the user has a non-graphics browser,
draw_text_calendar is called to create the
one-month display. This display contains hypertext links to simulate
the functions that an imagemap performs in the graphics version.
But more subtleties lie in the interaction between the subroutines.
In order to generate a calendar for a particular month requested
by the user, I have the program invoke itself in a somewhat complex
Let me start with our task here: to create an
image dynamically. Most CGI programmers create a GIF image, store
it in a file, and then create an imagemap based on that temporary
file. This is inefficient and involves storing information in temporary
files. What I do instead is shown in Figure 11.6.
The program is invoked for the first time,
and calls output_HTML. This routine sends the
browser some HTML that looks like this:
<A HREF="/cgi-bin/calendar.pl/11/1995">
<IMG SRC="/cgi-bin/calendar.pl?month=11/1995&draw_imagemap" ISMAP></A>
Embedding an <IMG> tag in an <A>
tag is a very common practice--an image with a hypertext link. But
in most <IMG> tags, the
SRC attribute
points to a .gif file. Here, instead, it points back to our program.
So what happens when the browser displays the HTML?
It sends a request back to the server for the image, and the server
runs this program all over again. (As I said before, the program
invokes itself.) This time, an image of a calendar is returned,
and the browser happily completes the display.
may feel that I'm playing games with HTML here,
but it's all very legitimate and compatible with the way a web client
and server work. And there's no need for temporary files with the
resulting delays and cleanup.
Let me explain one more
detail before we launch into the code. The decision about whether
to display a calendar is determined by a field in the <IMG>
tag you saw, the draw_imagemap field. When
this field is passed, the program creates an image of a calendar.
When the field is not passed, output_HTML is
called. So we have to run the program once without draw_imagemap,
let it call output_HTML, and have that subroutine
run the program again with draw_imagemap
Once you understand the basic logic of the program,
the display_month_calendar subroutine should
be fairly easy to follow.
sub display_month_calendar
local ($nongraphic_browsers, $client_browser, $clicked_point,
$draw_imagemap, $image_date);
$nongraphic_browsers = 'Lynx|CERN-LineMode';
$client_browser = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'} || $CALENDAR{'browser'};
We need to know whether the client is using a browser that
displays graphics. Normally the name of the browser is passed in
environment variable, but it is not set if a program is executed
as a result of
server redirection.
In that case, we can find out the browser through the query information,
where we thoughtfully set a browser field earlier in the program.
The line setting $client_browser is equivalent
$client_browser = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'};
} else {
$client_browser = $CALENDAR{'browser'};
The following code checks to see if a graphic browser is being
used, and displays output in the appropriate format.
if ($client_browser =~ /$nongraphic_browsers/) {
&draw_text_calendar ();
For text browsers, the draw_text_calendar
subroutine formats the information from the cal
command and displays it.
} else {
$clicked_point = $CALENDAR{'clicked_point'};
$draw_imagemap = $CALENDAR{'draw_imagemap'};
When the program
is executed initially, the clicked_point and
the draw_imagemap fields are null. As we'll
see in a moment, this causes us to execute the output_HTML
if ($clicked_point) {
$image_date = &get_imagemap_date ();
&display_all_appointments ($image_date);
If the user clicks on the image, this program stores the coordinates
in the variable $CALENDAR{`clicked_point'}.
The get_imagemap_date subroutine returns the
date corresponding to the clicked region. Finally, the display_all_appointments
subroutine displays all the appointments for the selected date.
} elsif ($draw_imagemap) {
&draw_graphic_calendar ();
draw_imagemap is set (because of the complicated
sequence of events I explained earlier), the draw_graphic_calendar
subroutine is executed and outputs the image of the calendar.
} else {
&output_HTML ();
In this else block, we know that we are running a graphics
browser but that neither $clicked_point nor
$draw_imagemap were set. That means we are
processing the initial request, and have to call output_HTML
to create the first image.
When displaying the current
calendar, this program provides two hypertext links (back to this
program) that allow the user to view the calendar for a month ahead
or for the past month. The next subroutine returns these links.
sub get_next_and_previous
local ($next_month, $next_year, $previous_month, $previous_year,
$arrow_URL, $next_month_year, $previous_month_year);
$next_month = $current_month + 1;
$previous_month = $current_month - 1;
if ($next_month > 12) {
$next_month = 1;
$next_year = $current_year + 1;
} else {
$next_year = $current_year;
if ($previous_month < 1) {
$previous_month = 12;
$previous_year = $current_year - 1;
} else {
$previous_year = $current_year;
If the month number is either at the
low or the high limit, the year is incremented or decremented accordingly.
$arrow_URL = join ("", $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}, "?",
"action=change", "&",
$next_month_year = join ("", $arrow_URL, $next_month, "/", $next_year);
$previous_month_year = join ("", $arrow_URL,
$previous_month, "/", $previous_year);
return ($next_month_year, $previous_month_year);
The two URLs returned by this subroutine are in the following
format (assuming 12/1995 is the selected month):
Now, let's look at the subroutine that is executed initially,
which displays the title and header for the document as well as
an <IMG> tag that refers back to this script to create a graphic
sub output_HTML
local ($script, $arrow_URL, $next, $previous, $left, $right);
$script = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'};
($next, $previous) = &get_next_and_previous ();
$left = qq|<A HREF="$previous"><IMG SRC="/icons/left.gif"></A>|;
$right = qq|<A HREF="$next"><IMG SRC="/icons/right.gif"></A>|;
("Calendar for $current_month_name $current_year",
"$left Calendar for $current_month_name $current_year $right");
The two links for
the next and previous calendars are embedded in the document's header.
print <<End_of_HTML;
<A HREF="$script/$current_month_year">
<IMG SRC="$script?month=$current_month_year&draw_imagemap" ISMAP></A>
I described this construct
earlier; it creates an imagemap with a hypertext link that runs
this script. There are interesting subtleties in both the HREF
attribute and the SRC attribute.
attribute includes the selected month and year (e.g., "11/1995")
as path information. That's because we need some way to get this
information back to the program when the user clicks on the calendar.
The imagemap uses the GET method (so we cannot
use the input stream) and passes only the x and y coordinates of
the mouse as query information. So the only other option left open
to us is to include the month and year as path information.
The SRC attribute, as we said before, causes the whole program
to run again. Thanks to the draw_imagemap field,
a calendar is drawn.
<A HREF="$script?action=full&year=$current_year">Full Year Calendar</A> <BR>
<A HREF="$script?action=search&type=form&month=$current_month_year">Search</A>
&print_footer ();
The main calendar screen
contains two links: one to display the full year calendar, and another
one to search the database.
Let's look at the subroutine
that draws a text calendar. I have no chance to indulge in fancy
image manipulation here. Instead, I format the days of the month
in rows and provide a hypertext link for each day.
sub draw_text_calendar
local (@calendar, $big_line, $matches, @RESULTS, $header, $first_line,
$no_spaces, $spaces, $loop, $date, @status, $script, $date_URL,
$next, $previous);
@calendar = `$cal $current_month $current_year`;
shift (@calendar);
$big_line = join ("", @calendar);
The calendar
for the selected month is stored in an array. Here is what the output
of the cal command looks like:
November 1995
S M Tu W Th F S
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
first line of the output is removed, as we do not need it. Then
the whole array is joined together to create one large string. This
makes it easier to manipulate the information, rather than trying
to modify different elements of the array.
$matches = &open_database (*RESULTS, "select", <<End_of_Select);
select Day from $database
where (Month = $current_month) and
(Year = $current_year)
The RESULTS array consists of the Day
field for all the appointments in the selected month. This array
is used to highlight the appropriate dates on the calendar.
&print_header ("Calendar for $current_month_name $current_year");
$big_line =~ s/\b(\w{1,2})\b/$1 /g;
$big_line =~ s/\n/\n\n/g;
These two statements expand the space between strings that
are either one or two characters, and add an extra newline character.
The regular expression is illustrated below.
Here is the
what the output looks like after these two statements:
S M Tu W Th F S
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
Because of the
leading spaces before the "1," the alignment is off. This can be
corrected by taking the difference in length between the line that
contains the day names and the first line (without the leading spaces),
and adding that number of spaces to align it properly. We do this
in the somewhat inelegant code below.
($header) = $big_line =~ /( S.*)/;
$big_line =~ s/ *(1.*)/$1/;
($first_line) = $big_line =~ //;
$no_spaces = length ($header) - length ($first_line);
$spaces = " " x $no_spaces;
$big_line =~ s/\b1\b/${spaces}1/;
While the technique I've used here is not a critical part
of the program, I'll explain it because it provides an interesting
instance of text manipulation. Remember that $big_line
contains several lines. Through regular expressions we are extracting
two lines: one with names of days of the week in $header,
and another with the first line of dates in $first_line.
We then compare the lengths of these two lines to make them flush
The regular expression /( S.*)/ picks out the
cal output's header, which is a line containing
a space followed by an S for Sun. This whole line is stored in $header.
In the next two lines of code, we strip all the spaces
from the beginning of the first week of the calendar and store the
rest of the week in $first_line. The regular
expression contains a space followed by an asterisk in order to
remove all spaces. The (1.*) and $1 select the date 1 and all the
other dates up to the end of the same line. In the next code statement,
the // construct means "whatever was matched last in a regular expression."
Since the last match was $1, $first_line contains
a line of dates starting with 1.
Then, using length
commands, we determine how many spaces we need to make the first
week flush right with the header. The x command
creates the number of spaces we need. Finally we put that number
of spaces before the 1 on the first line.
for ($loop=0; $loop < $matches; $loop++) {
$date = $RESULTS[$loop];
unless ($status[$date]) {
$big_line =~ s|\b$date\b {0,1}|$date\*|;
$status[$date] = 1;
This loop iterates through the RESULTS
array, which we loaded through an SQL select
command earlier in this subroutine. Each element of RESULTS
is a date on which an appointment has been scheduled. For each of
these dates, we search the cal output and add
an asterisk ("*").
The substitute command deserves a
little examination:
s|\b$date\b {0,1}|$date\*|
we want to replace the space that follows the date with an asterisk
(\*). But the date may not be followed by a space. If it's at the
end of the line (that is, if it falls on a Saturday) there will
be no following space, and we want to just append the asterisk.
The {0,1} construct handles both cases. It means that $date
must be followed by zero or one spaces. If there is a space, it's
treated as part of the string and stripped off. If there is no space,
that's fine too, because $date is still found
and the asterisk is appended.
Here is what the output
will look like (assuming there are appointments on the 5th, 8th,
and 10th):
S M Tu W Th F S
1 2 3 4
5* 6 7 8* 9 10* 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
And that is what
the calendar will look like in a text browser. But we still want
to provide the same access that a graphic calendar does. The user
must be able to select a date and view, add, or modify appointments.
So now we turn each date in the calendar into a hypertext link.
$script = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'};
$date_URL = join ("", $script, "?",
"action=view", "&",
"month=", $current_month_year);
$big_line =~ s|\b(\d{1,2})\b|<A HREF="$date_URL&date=$1">$1</A>|g;
Below is the regular expression that we're searching for in
the last line of the preceding code. It defines a date as one or
two digits surrounded by word boundaries. (Spaces are recognized
as word boundaries, and so are the beginnings and ends of lines.)
We add <A> and </A> tags around the date. The URL in each
A tag includes the name of this script, an action=view tag, the
current month, and the particular date chosen.
Let's continue
with the subroutine:
($next, $previous) = &get_next_and_previous ();
print <<End_of_Output;
<LI><A HREF="$previous">Previous Month!</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="$next">Next Month!</A></LI> </UL>
<A HREF="$script?action=full&year=$current_year">Full Year Calendar</A> <BR>
<A HREF="$script?action=search&type=form&month=$current_month_year">Search</A>
&print_footer ();
Four final links are displayed:
two to allow the user to view the last or next month calendar, one
to display the full year calendar, and one to search the database
for information contained within appointments.
The display_all_appointments
subroutine displays all of the appointments for a given date. It
is invoked by clicking a region of the graphic calendar or by following
a link on the text calendar.
sub display_all_appointments
local ($date) = @_;
local ($script, $matches, @RESULTS, $loop, $id, $keywords,
$description, $display_URL);
$matches = &open_database (*RESULTS, "select", <<End_of_Select);
select ID, Keywords, Description from $database
where (Month = $current_month) and
(Year = $current_year) and
(Day = $date)
The SQL statement retrieves the ID, Keywords,
and Description for each appointment that falls
on the specified date.
&print_header ("Appointments",
"Appointments for $current_month_name $date, $current_year");
$display_URL = join ("", $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}, "?",
"type=form", "&",
"month=", $current_month_year);
if ($matches) {
for ($loop=0; $loop < $matches; $loop++) {
$RESULTS[$loop] =~ s/([^\w\s\0])/sprintf ("&#%d;", ord ($1))/ge;
($id, $keywords, $description) = split (/\0/, $RESULTS[$loop], 3);
$description =~ s/<BR>/<BR>/g;
print <<End_of_Each_Appointment;
Keywords: <B>$keywords</B>
<A HREF="$display_URL&action=modify&id=$id">Modify!</A> <A HREF="$display_URL&action=delete&id=$id">Delete!</A>
print "<HR>", "\n" if ($loop < $matches - 1);
there are appointments scheduled for the given date, they are displayed.
Each one has two links: one to modify the appointment description,
and the other to delete it from the database.
} else {
print "There are no appointments scheduled!", "\n";
print <<End_of_Footer;
<A HREF="$display_URL&action=add&date=$date">Add New Appointment!</A>
&print_footer ();
If no appointments are
scheduled for the date, a simple error message is displayed. Finally,
a link allows the user to add appointments for the specified day.
Up to this
point, we have not discussed how the graphic calendar is created,
or how the coordinates are interpreted on the fly. The next three
subroutines are responsible for performing those tasks. The first
one we will look at is a valuable subroutine that calculates various
aspects of the graphic calendar.
sub graphics_calculations
local (*GIF) = @_;
This subroutine expects
a symbolic reference to an associative array as an argument. The
purpose of the subroutine is to populate this array with numerous
values that aid in implementing a graphic calendar.
$GIF{'first_day'} = &get_first_day ($current_month, $current_year);
The get_first_day
subroutine returns the day number for the first day of the specified
month, where Sunday is 0 and Saturday is 6. For example, the routine
will return the value 3 for November 1995, which indicates a Wednesday.
$GIF{'last_day'} = &get_last_day ($current_month, $current_year);
The get_last_day
subroutine returns the number of days in a specified month. It takes
leap years into effect.
$GIF{'no_rows'} = ($GIF{'first_day'} + $GIF{'last_day'}) / 7;
if ($GIF{'no_rows'} != int ($GIF{'no_rows'})) {
$GIF{'no_rows'} = int ($GIF{'no_rows'} + 1);
calculates the number of rows that the calendar will occupy. We
simply divide the number of days in this month by the number of
days in a week, and round up if part of a week is left.
we are going to define some coordinates.
$GIF{'box_length'} = $GIF{'box_height'} = 100;
$GIF{'x_offset'} = $GIF{'y_offset'} = 10;
box length and height define the rectangular portion for each day
in the calendar. You can modify this to a size that suits you. Nearly
all calculations are based on this, so a modification in these values
will result in a proportionate calendar. The x and y offsets define
the offset of the calendar from the left and top edges of the image,
$GIF{'large_font_length'} = 8;
$GIF{'large_font_height'} = 16;
$GIF{'small_font_length'} = 6;
$GIF{'small_font_height'} = 12;
These sizes are based on the gdLarge
and gdSmall fonts in the gd library.
$GIF{'x'} = ($GIF{'box_length'} * 7) +
($GIF{'x_offset'} * 2) +
The length
of the image is based primarily on the size of each box length multiplied
by the number of days in a week. The offset and the length of the
large font size are added to this so the calendar fits nicely within
the image.
$GIF{'y'} = ($GIF{'large_font_height'} * 2) +
($GIF{'no_rows'} * $GIF{'box_height'}) +
($GIF{'no_rows'} + 1) +
($GIF{'y_offset'} * 2) +
The height of the image is based on the number of rows multiplied
by the box height. Other offsets are added to this because there
must be room at the top of the image for the month name and the
weekday names.
$GIF{'start_calendar'} = $GIF{'y_offset'} +
(3 * $GIF{'large_font_height'});
This variable refers to the actual y coordinate where the
calendar starts. If you were to subtract this value from the height
of the image, the difference would equal the area at the top of
the image where the titles (i.e., month name and weekday names)
are placed.
$GIF{'date_x_offset'} = int ($GIF{'box_length'} * 0.80);
$GIF{'date_y_offset'} = int ($GIF{'box_height'} * 0.05);
These offsets specify the number
of pixels from the upper right corner of a box to the day number.
$GIF{'appt_x_offset'} = $GIF{'appt_y_offset'} = 10;
The appointment x offset refers to the
number of pixels from the left edge of the box to the point where
the appointment keywords are displayed. And the y offset is the
number of pixels from the day number to a point where the appointment
keywords are started.
$GIF{'no_chars'} = int (($GIF{'box_length'} -
$GIF{'appt_x_offset'}) /
$GIF{'small_font_length'}) - 1;
This contains the number of 6x12 font
characters that will fit horizontally in each box, and is used to
truncate appointment keywords.
$GIF{'no_appts'} = int (($GIF{'box_height'} -
$GIF{'large_font_height'} -
$GIF{'date_y_offset'} -
$GIF{'appt_y_offset'}) /
Finally, this variable specifies the number of appointment
keywords that will fit vertically. Then next subroutine, get_imagemap_date,
uses some of these constants to determine the exact region (and
date) where the user click originated.
sub get_imagemap_date
local (%DATA, $x_click, $y_click, $error_offset, $error,
$start_y, $end_y, $start_x, $end_x, $horizontal, $vertical,
$box_number, $clicked_date);
&graphics_calculations (*DATA);
($x_click, $y_click) = split(/,/, $CALENDAR{'clicked_point'}, 2);
We start by calling the subroutine just discussed, graphics_calculations,
to initialize coordinates and other important information about
the calendar. The variable $CALENDAR{`clicked_point'}
is a string containing the x and y coordinates of the click, as
transmitted by the browser. The parse_query_and_form_data
subroutine at the end of this chapter sets the value for this variable.
$error_offset = 2;
$error = $error_offset / 2;
$start_y = $DATA{'start_calendar'} + $error_offset;
$end_y = $DATA{'y'} - $DATA{'y_offset'} + $error_offset;
$start_x = $DATA{'x_offset'} + $error_offset;
$end_x = $DATA{'x'} - $DATA{'x_offset'} + $error_offset;
The error offset is defined
as two pixels. This is introduced to make the clickable area the
region just inside the actual calendar.
The $DATA{`start_calendar'}
and $DATA{`x_offset'} elements of the array define
the x and y coordinates where the actual calendar starts, as I discussed
when listing the previous subroutine. We draw lines to create boxes
starting at that point. Therefore, the y coordinate does not include
the titles and headers at the top of the image.
if ( ($x_click >= $start_x) && ($x_click <= $end_x) &&
($y_click >= $start_y) && ($y_click <= $end_y) ) {
conditional ensures that a click is inside the calendar. If it is
not, we send a status of 204 No Response to the browser.
If the browser can handle this status code, it will produce
no response. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.
$horizontal = int (($x_click - $start_x) /
($DATA{'box_length'} + $error));
$vertical = int (($y_click - $start_y) /
($DATA{'box_height'} + $error));
The horizontal box number (starting
from the left edge) of the user click is determined by the following
The vertical box number (starting from the top) that corresponds
to the user click can be calculated by the following algorithm:
To continue with the subroutine:
$box_number = ($vertical * 7) + $horizontal;
The vertical box number is multiplied by seven--since there
are seven boxes (i.e., seven days) per row--and added to the horizontal
box number to get the raw box number. For instance, the first box
in the second row would be considered raw box number 8. However,
this will equal the date only if the first day of the month starts
on a Sunday. Since we know this will not be true all the time, we
have to take into effect what is really the first day of the month.
$clicked_date = ($box_number - $DATA{'first_day'}) + 1;
The difference between the raw box number
and the first day of the month is incremented by one (since the
first day of the month returned by the get_first_date
subroutine is zero based) to determine the date. We are still not
out of trouble, because the calculated date can still be either
less than zero, or greater than the last day of the month. How,
you may ask? Say that a month has 31 days and the first day falls
on Friday. There will be 7 rows, and a total of 42 boxes. If the
user clicks in box number 42 (the last box of the last row), the
$clicked_date variable above will equal 37,
which is invalid. That is the reason for the conditional below:
if (($clicked_date <= 0) ||
($clicked_date > $DATA{'last_day'})) {
&return_error (204, "No Response", "Browser doesn't support 204");
} else {
return ($clicked_date);
} else {
&return_error (204, "No Response", "Browser doesn't support 204");
If the user clicked in a valid region, the date corresponding
to that region is returned.
Now we can look at perhaps
the most significant subroutine in this program. It invokes the
gd graphics extension to draw the graphic calendar
with the appointment keywords in the boxes.
sub draw_graphic_calendar
local (%DATA, $image, $black, $cadet_blue, $red, $yellow,
$month_title, $month_point, $day_point, $loop, $temp_day,
$temp_x, $temp_y, $inner, $counter, $matches, %APPTS,
&graphics_calculations (*DATA);
$image = new GD::Image ($DATA{'x'}, $DATA{'y'});
A new image object is created, based on the dimensions returned
by the graphics_calculations subroutine.
$black = $image->colorAllocate (0, 0, 0);
$cadet_blue = $image->colorAllocate (95, 158, 160);
$red = $image->colorAllocate (255, 0, 0);
$yellow = $image->colorAllocate (255, 255, 0);
Various colors are defined. The background color is black,
and the lines between boxes are yellow. All text is drawn in red,
except for the dates, which are cadet blue.
$month_title = join (" ", $current_month_name, $current_year);
$month_point = ($DATA{'x'} -
(length ($month_title) *
$DATA{'large_font_length'})) / 2;
$image->string (gdLargeFont, $month_point, $DATA{'y_offset'},
$month_title, $red);
The month title (e.g.,
"November 1995") is centered in red, with the $month_point
variable giving the right amount of space on the left.
$day_point = (($DATA{'box_length'} + 2) -
($DATA{'large_font_length'} * 3)) / 2;
The $day_point variable centers the weekday
string (e.g., "Sun") with respect to a single box.
for ($loop=0; $loop < 7; $loop++) {
$temp_day = (split(/,/, $weekday_names))[$loop];
$temp_x = ($loop * $DATA{'box_length'}) +
$DATA{'x_offset'} +
$day_point + $loop;
$image->string ( gdLargeFont,
$DATA{'y_offset'} +
$DATA{'large_font_height'} + 10,
$red );
The for loop draws the seven weekday names (as stored in the
$weekday_names global variable) above the first
row of boxes.
for ($loop=0; $loop <= $DATA{'no_rows'}; $loop++) {
$temp_y = $DATA{'start_calendar'} +
($loop * $DATA{'box_height'}) + $loop;
$image->line ( $DATA{'x_offset'},
$DATA{'x'} - $DATA{'x_offset'} - 1,
$yellow );
This loop draws the
horizontal yellow lines, in effect separating each box.
for ($loop=0; $loop <= 7; $loop++) {
$temp_x = $DATA{'x_offset'} + ($loop * $DATA{'box_length'}) + $loop;
$image->line ( $temp_x,
$DATA{'y'} - $DATA{'y_offset'} - 1,
$yellow );
The for loop draws yellow vertical lines, creating boundaries between
the weekdays. We have finished the outline for the calendar; now
we have to fill in the blanks with the particular dates and appointments.
$inner = $DATA{'first_day'};
$counter = 1;
$matches = &appointments_for_graphic (*APPTS);
The appointments_for_graphic
subroutine returns an associative array of appointment keywords
for the selected month (keyed by the date). For example, here is
what an array might look like:
$APPTS{'02'} = "See Professor";
$APPTS{'03'} = "ABC Enterprises\0Luncheon Meeting";
example shows one appointment on the 2nd of this month, and two
appointments (separated by a \0 character) on the 3rd.
several nested loops--one for the rows, one for the days in each
row, and one for the appointments on each day--we draw the date for
each box and list the appointment keywords in the appropriate boxes.
for ($outer=0; $outer <= $DATA{'no_rows'}; $outer++) {
$temp_y = $DATA{'start_calendar'} + $outer +
($outer * $DATA{'box_height'}) +
This outermost loop iterates through the rows, based on $DATA{`no_rows'}.
The $temp_y variable contains the y coordinate
where the date should be drawn for a particular row.
while (($inner < 7) && ($counter <= $DATA{'last_day'})) {
$temp_x = $DATA{'x_offset'} +
($inner * $DATA{'box_length'}) +
$inner + $DATA{'date_x_offset'};
$image->string (gdLargeFont, $temp_x, $temp_y,
sprintf ("%2d", $counter),
inner loop draws the dates across a row. A while loop was used instead
of a for loop because the number of dates across a row may not be
seven (in cases when the month does not start on Sunday or does
not end on Saturday). The variable $counter
keeps track of the actual date that is being output.
if ($APPTS{$counter}) {
@appt_list = split (/\0/, $APPTS{$counter});
for ($loop=0; $loop < $matches; $loop++) {
last if ($loop >= $DATA{'no_appts'});
If appointments exist for the date, a for loop is used to
iterate through the list. The number of appointments that can fit
in a box is governed by $DATA{`no_appts'}; others
are ignored. But the user can click on the individual date to see
all of them.
$image->string (gdSmallFont,
$DATA{'x_offset'} +
($inner * $DATA{'box_length'} +
$inner +
$temp_y +
($loop * $DATA{'small_font_height'}) +
pack ("A$DATA{'no_chars'}",
keywords for an appointment are displayed in the box. The pack
operator truncates the string to fit in the box.
$inner = 0;
$| = 1;
print "Content-type: image/gif", "\n";
print "Pragma: no-cache", "\n\n";
print $image->gif;
Finally, the program turns output buffering off and sends
the image to the client for display.
The following subroutine
returns an associative array containing the keywords for all the
appointments for the selected month.
sub appointments_for_graphic
local (*DATES) = @_;
local ($matches, @RESULTS, $loop, $day, $keywords);
$matches = &open_database (*RESULTS, "select", <<End_of_Select);
select Day, Keywords from $database where
(Month = $current_month) and
(Year = $current_year)
RESULTS now contains the number of elements
indicated by $matches. Each element contains
the date for an appointment followed by the keyword list for that
appointment, as requested by our select statement.
We need to put all the appointments for a given day into one element
of our associative array DATES, which we will
return to the caller.
for ($loop=0; $loop < $matches; $loop++) {
($day, $keywords) = split (/\0/, $RESULTS[$loop], 2);
if ($DATES{$day}) {
$DATES{$day} = join ("\0", $DATES{$day}, $keywords);
} else {
$DATES{$day} = $keywords;
When a day in
DATES already lists an appointment, we concatenate
the next appointment to it with the null string (\0) as separator.
When we find an empty day, we do not need to add the null string.
Finally, a count of the total number of appointments for the
month are returned.
The last major subroutine we will
discuss parses the form data. It is very similar to the parse_form_data
subroutines used up to this point.
sub parse_query_and_form_data
local (*FORM_DATA) = @_;
local ($request_method, $query_string, $path_info,
@key_value_pairs, $key_value, $key, $value);
$request_method = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'};
$path_info = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'};
if ($request_method eq "GET") {
$query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
} elsif ($request_method eq "POST") {
read (STDIN, $query_string, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
$query_string = join ("&", $query_string, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
If the request method is POST,
the information from the input stream and the data in QUERY_STRING
are appended to $query_string. We have to do
this because our program accepts information in an unusually complex
way; some user queries pass both query strings and input streams.
} else {
&return_error ("500", "Server Error",
"Server uses unsupported method");
if ($query_string =~ /^\d+,\d+$/) {
$FORM_DATA{'clicked_point'} = $query_string;
if ($path_info =~ m|^/(\d+/\d+)$|) {
$FORM_DATA{'month'} = $1;
If the user
clicks on the imagemap, the client sends a query string in the form
of two integers ("x,y") to the CGI program. Here, we store the string
right into $FORM_DATA{`clicked_point'}, where
the get_imagemap_date routine can retrieve
it. Previously, we set up our hypertext link so that the month name
gets passed as extra path information (see the output_HTML
subroutine), and here we store it in
This value is checked for validity at the top of the program, just
to make sure that there are no shell metacharacters.
} else {
if ($query_string =~ /draw_imagemap/) {
$FORM_DATA{'draw_imagemap'} = 1;
The $FORM_DATA{`draw_imagemap'}
variable is set if the query contains the string "draw_imagemap".
The rest of the code below is common, and we have seen it many times.
@key_value_pairs = split (/&/, $query_string);
foreach $key_value (@key_value_pairs) {
($key, $value) = split (/=/, $key_value);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C", hex ($1))/eg;
if (defined($FORM_DATA{$key})) {
$FORM_DATA{$key} = join ("\0", $FORM_DATA{$key}, $value);
} else {
$FORM_DATA{$key} = $value;
The following subroutine
returns the number of days in the specified month. It takes leap
years into effect.
sub get_last_day
local ($month, $year) = @_;
local ($last, @no_of_days);
@no_of_days = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
if ($month == 2) {
if ( !($year % 4) && ( ($year % 100) || !($year % 400) ) ) {
$last = 29;
} else {
$last = 28;
} else {
$last = $no_of_days[$month - 1];
return ($last);
The get_first_day subroutine (algorithm
by Malcolm
Beattie <[email protected]>)
returns the day number for the first day of the specified month.
For example, if Friday is the first day of the month, this subroutine
will return 5. (The value is zero-based, starting with Sunday).
sub get_first_day
local ($month, $year) = @_;
local ($day, $first, @day_constants);
$day = 1;
@day_constants = (0, 3, 2, 5, 0, 3, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 4);
if ($month < 3) {
$first = ($year + int ($year / 4) - int ($year / 100) +
int ($year/400) + $day_constants [$month - 1] + $day) % 7;
return ($first);