- /etc/selinux/targeted/booleans
This is the default setting for the Booleans in the targeted
cat /etc/selinux/targeted/booleans
Using Boolean values to define the state of optional policy
allows for the tunables to be switchable during runtime. The kernel
accesses the state of the values in /selinux/booleans/*, with a separate file for each
Boolean. If you run echo "1 1" >
squid_disable_trans to turn off the targeted policy for
squid by disabling the transition from
unconfined_t to squid_t, you can then make the change take
effect by running echo 1 >
/selinux/commit_pending_bools. The value in /etc/selinux/targeted/booleans would then change to
squid_disable_trans=1. An
easier technique for changing Booleans is to use the setsebool command.
If you change the value in /etc/selinux/targeted/booleans, the change takes
effect upon next policy load, such as a reboot or make load (refer to Chapter 7 Compiling SELinux
Booleans work by having the if statements with conditional policy
compiled into the binary policy, so the potential policy for each
conditional is always present.
If you look at a pseudo file system Boolean file, for example
cat /selinux/booleans/httpd_unified/, you
get two values returned, 1 1. The
first value represents the current value, the other is the pending
value that is to be set programmatically when a security_commit_booleans() is run, that is, when
policy is loaded. Another time this occurs is when you run
setsebool -P. The -P writes all the pending Boolean values to the
- /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/
This directory contains security context information used at run
time by various applications, such as restorecon. Within contexts/ are a number of files and directories.
Here are the most important:
default_contexts — this file
defines the default security context(s) for local and remote user
sessions, cron jobs, and so forth.
files/ — this subdirectory
contains security context configuration files used by applications
needing to set file labels during runtime, such as rpm, restorecon, setfiles, and udev.
userhelper_context — this file
sets the context for the userhelper
application to use.
- $SELINUX_SRC/domains/program/
The location of the TE files that define the policy for the
daemons covered by the targeted policy. If a TE file is not in this
directory, then it is not compiled into the policy.
- $SELINUX_SRC/file_contexts/
All of the file contexts for the targeted and unconfined daemons
are in the directory file_contexts/program. When the policy is built,
all of the relevant *.fc files are
concatenated into $SELINUX_SRC/file_contexts/file_contexts. A file
contexts file is considered relevant to the policy if there is a
corresponding $SELINUX_SRC/domains/programs/*.fc file. A copy of
file_contexts is at /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts.
For files that are not part of the targeted daemons and their
associated file contexts files, the file types.fc is referenced for setting the security
context, especially for when the policy is installed or if the file
system is relabeled.
This directory is discussed thoroughly in Section 3.3 Understanding the File
Contexts Files.
- $SELINUX_SRC/file_contexts/distros.fc
Each distribution of Linux that supports SELinux may have unique
file contexts that should only be included if the policy is being
compiled on that system. The set for Red Hat Enterprise Linux is
grouped inside of ifdef(`distro_redhat', ... ')`, and
includes contexts for Red Hat specific applications such as
system-config-securitylevel, packages with
possibly unique file locations, and file contexts for the
/emul libraries for x86 emulation on
64-bit systems.
- $SELINUX_SRC/domains/unconfined.te
This file defines the domain for unconfined processes, that is,
everything that is not specifically a targeted daemon.
- $SELINUX_SRC/appconfig/
This directory contains application configuration files that
provide contexts or partial contexts for certain daemons and
utilities. A partial context is when the user identity is not
included. This identity is inferred from the user who runs the
The kind of utilities that rely upon the appconfig contexts are crond, newrole, and
login, which need to have a context that
derives from a user rather than their own context. These files
provide a list of possible contexts the program can try to set, and
the policy decides if the process can transition to those
These various files are installed as the separate files and
directories within $SELINUX_POLICY/contexts/, and are used in runtime
by libselinux to search through for usable
In a stricter policy than the targeted policy, there would be
additional entries since all users and daemons run in their own
security context instead of unconfined_t. For example, when parsing
through default_contexts, if the policy
defines that a context is not allowed for a user, it would be
ignored and the next one checked. This way the file can have a
cascading set of partial contexts, so the most privileged gets the
first choice, and the least privileged gets the last choice. In
default_contexts for the targeted policy,
the most and least privileged are the same
cat default_contexts
system_r:unconfined_t system_r:unconfined_t
The default_type file is the
configuration file for when applications need to know which domains
are to be associated with which roles. In the targeted policy,
there is effectively one single role for subjects: system_r. For example, newrole looks to this file to know what domains to
assign each transitioned role:
cat default_type
There ins only a partial context in failsafe_context. This is what is returned if
default_contexts does not have an
appropriate context. In other words, if nothing else matches, try
this context. Note that it is the same context as in default_contexts. This file is more useful in a
stricter policy.
cat failsafe_context
When run_init executes a script in
/etc/rc.d/, this is the context that
run_init transitions to before running the script. This way, the context
executing the scripts is the same as when they are executed by
cat initrc_context
These are the default contexts applied to different media types,
for example, when they are mounted on /media:
cat media
cdrom system_u:object_r:removable_device_t
floppy system_u:object_r:removable_device_t
disk system_u:object_r:fixed_disk_device_t
This context covers removable media types, such as USB flash
storage devices:
cat removable_context
The root_default_contexts allows login
to root to be different than login to a normal user:
cat root_default_contexts
system_r:unconfined_t system_r:unconfined_t
This is the context userhelper
transitions to before executing the application that requires the
privilege escalation:
cat userhelper_context
- $SELINUX_SRC/types/*
These files are the type declarations for general sets of types.
The types are grouped by similarities such as being a file, being
related to security, network, or devices. The name of the type
declaration file reflects its contents.
One odd file included in the targeted policy is $SELINUX_SRC/types/apache.te. The file contains
this one line macro:
define(`admin_tty_type', `{ tty_device_t devpts_t }')
This macro is connected with a conditional set of rules in the
httpd TE file at $SELINUX_SRC/domains/program/apache.te. The
confitional rules allow httpd to utilize
the console (if (httpd_tty_comm)
{}). This allows Apache HTTP to use the console for parts of
the SSL certification handling process.
The reason the macro defining admin_tty_type is in types/apache.te is that the macro is included in
the targeted policy only for the benefit of httpd. Apache HTTP needs this macro defined for the
httpd policy to work.
In a stricter policy, the system administrator domain
sysadm_t is used, and it's
associated TE file at /etc/selinux/strict/src/policy/domains/admin.te
supplies the admin_tty_type
The file $SELINUX_SRC/types/files.fc
defines the contexts for all of the file types on the system.
- $SELINUX_SRC/domains/program/*
These are the TE policy files that make the targeted daemons
protected. In SELinux, in the tree at $SELINUX_SRC/domains/ are all the rules that govern
the behavior of the various domains. If a particular *.te is not in the $SELINUX_SRC/domains/ path, it is not compiled in
as part of the policy.
In Chapter 4 Example Policy
Reference - dhcpd, the policy for
dhcpd is completely dissected and examined
as a reference for all of the policy files for the targeted
- $SELINUX_SRC/assert.te, $SELINUX_SRC/attrib.te, and $SELINUX_SRC/constraints
The file assert.te contains the
neverallow assertions,
discussed in Section 2.8
TE Rules - Access Vectors. The attributes declared for
the targeted policy are in attrib.te,
discussed in Section 2.6
TE Rules - Attributes. Constraining rules, as discussed
in Section 2.11 TE Rules -
Constraints, are defined for the targeted policy in the
file constraints.
- $SELINUX_SRC/flask/
This directory is where several important definitions occur. In
access_vectors, object classes are
defined, as discussed in Section 2.5 Object Classes and
Permissions. The file initial_sids provides the booting kernel with the
initial security identifiers to use until policy can be loaded, as
described in Section 2.3
Policy Role in Boot. Security object classes are defined
in security_classes. The shell scripts
and Makefile are used in SELinux kernel
development, and are not intended for end-user usage.
- $SELINUX_SRC/macros/
Macros are discussed in Section 2.9 Policy Macros.
Only two macro files in this directory are used, core_macros.te and global_macros.te. The directory $SELINUX_SRC/macros/program/ contains the macro
files for various daemons. Only the macro files that correspond to
a *.te file in $SELINUX_SRC/domains/program/ are actually used in
the policy.
- $SELINUX_SRC/genfs_contexts
As explained in Section
2.4 File System Security Contexts, this file supplies
the contexts for mountpoint labeling, where a mounted file system
is given a single, overarching context instead of an individual
context for each file.
- $SELINUX_SRC/initial_sid_contexts
These are the security contexts that are applied to the initial
contexts in $SELINUX_SRC/flask/initial_sids and are used by the
kernel during boot before it has loaded the policy. Refer to
Section 2.3 Policy Role in
Boot for more information.
This file is unused in the targeted policy, but is noteworthy
for those interested in MLS security. Refer to Chapter 9 References for
sources of information about MLS.
- $SELINUX_SRC/net_contexts
This file has the contexts for network entities, with many
declarations within an ifdef
statement that depends on the presence of a specific *.te file in $SELINUX_SRC/domains/program/. The syntax looks
like this:
portcon <protocol> <{ port | port-range }> <type>
When invoked, a network context declaration looks like this:
ifdef(`mta.te', `
portcon tcp 25 system_u:object_r:smtp_port_t
portcon tcp 465 system_u:object_r:smtp_port_t
portcon tcp 587 system_u:object_r:smtp_port_t
ifdef(`use_dhcpd', `portcon udp 67 \
# Defaults for reserved ports. Earlier portcon entries take
# precedence; these entries just cover any remaining reserved
# ports not otherwise declared or omitted due to removal of a
# domain.
portcon tcp 1-1023 system_u:object_r:reserved_port_t
portcon udp 1-1023 system_u:object_r:reserved_port_t
netifcon eth0 system_u:object_r:netif_eth0_t \
- $SELINUX_SRC/policy.conf
This file is created by m4 during the
policy compiling process. It is all of the TE rules from domains/ with the macros expanded, and the result
concatenated together. The compilation process is covered in
Chapter 7 Compiling
SELinux Policy, and you can learn about analyzing the
policy using policy.conf in Chapter 6 Tools for Manipulating
and Analyzing SELinux.
This file defines which roles are allowed to attain which other
roles. Roles are discussed in Section 2.10 SELinux Users and
Roles. These are all the allowed role transitions in the
targeted policy: This file only specifies which roles may
transition to which other roles, it does not grant permission to
actually change role.
allow sysadm_r system_r;
allow user_r system_r;
allow user_r sysadm_r;
allow sysadm_r user_r;
allow system_r sysadm_r;
- $SELINUX_SRC/tunables/
The tunable is a way of switching on or
off certain settings that have global effect. For example, the file
distro.tun has only one Linux
distribution defined, the others are dnl define:
The existence of this definition triggers conditional statements
in the TE files for httpd, mysqld, named, and
snmpd in $SELINUX_SRC/domains/program, as well as $SELINUX_SRC/macros/program/userhelper_macros.te.
Tunables are included in the policy at compile time and are not
a flexible way to manage settings that you want to effect more
immediately. For the most part, the tunables have been replaced by
Booleans in /etc/selinux/targeted/booleans that are checked
during runtime.
The second file, tunable.tun, has
several definitions which are in use in the targeted policy:
The targeted_policy tunable
is used by apache.te, named.te, squid.te, and
mta.te in $SELINUX_SRC/domains/programs/, as well as
global_macros.te and apache_macros.te. For example, this statement from
apache.te is triggered to be included in
the policy if targeted_policy
is defined:
ifdef(`targeted_policy', `
typealias httpd_sys_content_t alias httpd_user_content_t;
typealias httpd_sys_script_exec_t alias \
if (httpd_enable_homedirs) {
allow httpd_sys_script_t user_home_dir_t:dir { getattr \
search };
allow httpd_t user_home_dir_t:dir { getattr search };
') dnl targeted policy
The type aliases created support for Apache HTTP CGI scripting
by users, aliasing the user equivalent of the httpd scripting type. Notice the if (httpd_enable_homedirs) statement. This
is the Boolean value httpd_enable_homedirs, used for enabling
public HTML directories being served from user home
- $SELINUX_SRC/users
This file contains the definitions for the SELinux users, as
explained in Section 2.10
SELinux Users and Roles and Section 3.5 Understanding the
Roles and Users in the Targeted Policy.