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NOTE: CentOS Enterprise Linux is built from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code. Other than logo and name changes CentOS Enterprise Linux is compatible with the equivalent Red Hat version. This document applies equally to both Red Hat and CentOS Enterprise Linux.

8.3. Calc

8.3.1. Overview of Calc Calc functions similarly to other spreadsheet applications. It is useful for creating forms as well as calculations.

To create a new spreadsheet:

  1. Start Calc from the Applications menu bu going to Application => Office => Calc or enter oocalc at a shell prompt.

  2. Enter text, numbers, or functions.

To open an existing spreadsheet:

  1. With Calc open, go to File => Open, click on the Folder icon, or press [Ctrl] -[O] .

  2. Navigate to the location of the spreadsheet.

  3. Double-click on the spreadsheet name or click once to highlight it and then click the OK button.

To save a spreadsheet:

  1. Click on the floppy disk icon, go to File => Save, or go to File => Save As.

  2. A window opens that shows your file system. If you have already saved this file before, you won't have to do anything else.

  3. Navigate to the lcoation you would like to save your file in.

  4. Enter a name for your file in the File name field.

  5. Select the format for your file from the File type drop down menu.

  6. Click on the Save button.

To print a spreadsheet:

  1. Click on the printer icon or go to File => Print or press [Ctrl] -[P] .

  2. A window opens with print configuration options.

  3. Select the options you would like.

  4. Click on the OK button.

To manually enter a function:

  1. Select the cell where the function should be placed.

  2. Enter the function: start with an "=" sign and enter the name of the function.

  3. To use cells in the argument of the function (the part of the function that is operated on), enter an open parenthesis, "(", and then highlight the cells with your mouse. You can also type in the cell names after the open parenthesis.

  4. Press [Enter] to enter the function and calculate the result.

To enter a function using the Function AutoPilot:

  1. Select the cell where the function should go.

  2. Go to Insert => Function or press [Ctrl] -[F2] .

  3. The AutoPilot window opens.

  4. Select the function you would like to use from the pane on the left. You select by double-clicking on the name of the function.

  5. In the right pane, information about the selected function is displayed. Fields for the data are just below the function information. Lastly, a box displays the result of your calculation.

  6. To select cells to use in your function, click on the Shrink icon next to the field these cells will be entered.

  7. Highlight the cells with your mouse. Press [Enter] to return to AutoPilot

  8. When finished, click the OK button.

To use conditional formatting:

  1. Go to Format => Conditional Formatting...

  2. A window opens with formatting options.

  3. Select whether the condition applies to a cell or a function in the far left.

  4. Select the condition of the relationship in the next drop-down box.

  5. In the next field, either enter a value or select cells.

  6. In the Cell Style drop-down menu, select what the resulting style should be.

To change cell format:

  1. Select the cells to outline by highlighting them with the mouse.

  2. Go to Format => Cells and select the Borders tab, or click the Borders icon on the Object Bar toolbar.

  3. On the Borders tab, choose the color, position, weight, and line type of your borders. Click the OK button to apply these borders.

  4. The small blue arrow in the upper right of the Borders icon opens a drop-down menu. Double-click the image that represents the borders to apply to your selection.

To create a chart:

  1. Select the data to use for the chart by highlighting with the mouse.

  2. Go to Insert => Chart.

  3. The AutoFormat Chart window opens.

  4. Select where you want your chart displayed and click Next >>.

  5. Choose a chart type and click Next >>.

  6. Choose a variant and click Next >>.

  7. Enter titles for your chart and click Create.

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