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NOTE: CentOS Enterprise Linux 5 is built from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code. Other than logo and name changes CentOS Enterprise Linux 5 is compatible with the equivalent Red Hat version. This document applies equally to both Red Hat and CentOS Enterprise Linux 5.

19.5. Troubleshooting with the Logs

When encountering issues with installing Red Hat Virtualization, you can refer to the host system's two logs to assist with troubleshooting. The xend.log file contains the same basic information as when you run the xm log command. It resides in the /var/log/ directory. Here is an example log entry for when you create a domain running a kernel:

[2006-12-27 02:23:02 xend] ERROR (SrvBase: 163) op=create: Error creating domain: (0, 'Error')
Traceback (most recent call list)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/server/" line 107 in_perform val = op_method (op,req)
"/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/xen/xend/server/ line 71 in op_create
raise XendError ("Error creating domain: " + str(ex))
XendError: Error creating domain: (0, 'Error')

The other log file, xend-debug.log , is very useful to system administrators since it contains even more detailed information than xend.log . Here is the same error data for the same kernel domain creation problem:

ERROR: Will only load images built for Xen v3.0
ERROR: Actually saw: GUEST_OS=netbsd, GUEST_VER=2.0, XEN_VER=2.0; LOADER=generic, BSD_SYMTAB'
ERROR: Error constructing guest OS

When calling customer support, always include a copy of both these log files when contacting the technical support staff.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire