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NOTE: CentOS Enterprise Linux 5 is built from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code. Other than logo and name changes CentOS Enterprise Linux 5 is compatible with the equivalent Red Hat version. This document applies equally to both Red Hat and CentOS Enterprise Linux 5.

9.3. Installing GRUB

If GRUB was not installed during the installation process, it can be installed afterward. Once installed, it automatically becomes the default boot loader.

Before installing GRUB, make sure to use the latest GRUB package available or use the GRUB package from the installation CD-ROMs. For instructions on installing packages, refer to the chapter titled Package Management with RPM in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Deployment Guide.

Once the GRUB package is installed, open a root shell prompt and run the command /sbin/grub-install <location>, where <location> is the location that the GRUB Stage 1 boot loader should be installed. For example, the following command installs GRUB to the MBR of the master IDE device on the primary IDE bus:

        /sbin/grub-install /dev/hda

The next time the system boots, the GRUB graphical boot loader menu appears before the kernel loads into memory.


If GRUB is installed on a RAID 1 array, the system may become unbootable in the event of disk failure. An unsupported workaround is provided online at the following URL:

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire