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NOTE: CentOS Enterprise Linux 5 is built from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code. Other than logo and name changes CentOS Enterprise Linux 5 is compatible with the equivalent Red Hat version. This document applies equally to both Red Hat and CentOS Enterprise Linux 5.

IBM System z Architecture - Installation and Booting

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide for IBM System z Architecture systems discusses the installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and some basic post-installation troubleshooting. Advanced installation options are covered in the second part of this manual.

Table of Contents

16. Steps to Get You Started
16.1. Pre-Installation
16.2. Additional System z Hardware Preparation for Installation Notes
16.3. Basic Overview of the Boot Method
16.4. Preparing for a Network Installation
16.4.1. Preparing for FTP and HTTP installation
16.4.2. Preparing for an NFS install
16.5. Preparing for a Hard Drive Installation
16.6. Installing under z/VM
16.7. Installing in an LPAR using the Red Hat Enterprise Linux LPAR CD
16.8. Installing in an LPAR without the Red Hat Enterprise Linux for System z CD-ROMs
16.9. Installing in an LPAR (Common Steps)
16.10. Do You Have Enough Disk Space?
17. Installing on IBM System z Systems
17.1. The Graphical Installation Program User Interface
17.2. The Text Mode Installation Program User Interface
17.2.1. Using the Keyboard to Navigate
17.3. Running the Installation Program
17.3.1. Installation using X11 Forwarding
17.3.2. Installation using VNC
17.4. Installing from a Hard Drive (DASD)
17.5. Installing via NFS
17.6. Installing via FTP
17.7. Installing via HTTP
17.8. Welcome to Red Hat Enterprise Linux
17.9. Language Selection
17.10. Enter the Installation Number
17.11. Disk Partitioning Setup
17.12. Advanced Storage Options
17.12.1. FCP Devices
17.13. Create Default Layout
17.14. Partitioning Your System
17.14.1. Graphical Display of DASD Device(s)
17.14.2. Disk Druid's Buttons
17.14.3. Partition Fields
17.14.4. Recommended Partitioning Scheme
17.14.5. Editing Partitions
17.15. Network Configuration
17.16. Time Zone Configuration
17.17. Set Root Password
17.18. Package Group Selection
17.19. Preparing to Install
17.19.1. Preparing to Install
17.20. Installing Packages
17.21. Installation Complete
18. Removing Red Hat Enterprise Linux
19. Sample Parameter Files
20. Additional Boot Options
21. Troubleshooting Installation on an IBM System z System
21.1. You are Unable to Boot Red Hat Enterprise Linux
21.1.1. Is Your System Displaying Signal 11 Errors?
21.2. Trouble During the Installation
21.2.1. No devices found to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Error Message
21.2.2. Trouble with Partition Tables
21.2.3. Other Partitioning Problems
21.2.4. Are You Seeing Python Errors?
21.3. Problems After Installation
21.3.1. Remote Graphical Desktops and XDMCP
21.3.2. Problems When You Try to Log In
21.3.3. Your Printer Does Not Work
21.3.4. Apache-based httpd service/Sendmail Hangs During Startup
22. Additional Information for IBM System z Users
22.1. The sysfs File System
22.2. Using the zFCP Driver
22.3. Using mdadm to Configure RAID-Based and Multipath Storage
22.3.1. Creating a RAID Device With mdadm
22.3.2. Creating a Multipath Device With mdadm
22.4. Configuring IPL from a SCSI Device
22.4.1. IPL the SCSI Disk
22.5. Adding DASD
22.6. Adding a Network Device
22.6.1. Adding a qeth Device
22.6.2. Quick Reference for Adding Network Devices
22.7. Kernel-Related Information

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