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NOTE: CentOS Enterprise Linux 5 is built from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code. Other than logo and name changes CentOS Enterprise Linux 5 is compatible with the equivalent Red Hat version. This document applies equally to both Red Hat and CentOS Enterprise Linux 5.

Advanced Installation and Deployment

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide discusses the installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and some basic post-installation troubleshooting. However, advanced installation options are also covered in this manual. This part provides instructions for kickstart (an automated installation technique)and all related tools. Use this part in conjunction with the first part of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide to perform any of these advanced installation tasks.

Table of Contents

28. Kickstart Installations
28.1. What are Kickstart Installations?
28.2. How Do You Perform a Kickstart Installation?
28.3. Creating the Kickstart File
28.4. Kickstart Options
28.4.1. Advanced Partitioning Example
28.5. Package Selection
28.6. Pre-installation Script
28.6.1. Example
28.7. Post-installation Script
28.7.1. Examples
28.8. Making the Kickstart File Available
28.8.1. Creating Kickstart Boot Media
28.8.2. Making the Kickstart File Available on the Network
28.9. Making the Installation Tree Available
28.10. Starting a Kickstart Installation
29. Kickstart Configurator
29.1. Basic Configuration
29.2. Installation Method
29.3. Boot Loader Options
29.4. Partition Information
29.4.1. Creating Partitions
29.5. Network Configuration
29.6. Authentication
29.7. Firewall Configuration
29.7.1. SELinux Configuration
29.8. Display Configuration
29.8.1. General
29.8.2. Video Card
29.8.3. Monitor
29.9. Package Selection
29.10. Pre-Installation Script
29.11. Post-Installation Script
29.11.1. Chroot Environment
29.11.2. Use an Interpreter
29.12. Saving the File
30. Boot Process, Init, and Shutdown
30.1. The Boot Process
30.2. A Detailed Look at the Boot Process
30.2.1. The BIOS
30.2.2. The Boot Loader
30.2.3. The Kernel
30.2.4. The /sbin/init Program
30.3. Running Additional Programs at Boot Time
30.4. SysV Init Runlevels
30.4.1. Runlevels
30.4.2. Runlevel Utilities
30.5. Shutting Down
31. PXE Network Installations
31.1. Setting up the Network Server
31.2. PXE Boot Configuration
31.2.1. Command Line Configuration
31.3. Adding PXE Hosts
31.3.1. Command Line Configuration
31.4. TFPD
31.4.1. Starting the tftp Server
31.5. Configuring the DHCP Server
31.6. Adding a Custom Boot Message
31.7. Performing the PXE Installation

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