9.1 Standard Output and the print Operator
By default output from a Perl program goes to the standard output stream. The basic operator for this output is the print operator. Essentially the print operator is passed a list of items and outputs them to the standard output stream.
Values passed to print can be in a number of forms. For example:
A string value:
print "Hello my name is Fred\n";
A string variable:
print $name;
A mathematical calculation:
print 2+4;
Or even a mixture of the three:
print "I asked $name and he told me 2+4 equals ", 2+4, ".\n";
which will display:
I asked fred and he told me 2+4 equals 6.
The print operator can also be used to print an array:
print @array;
The above command will print all the items contained in an array. For example:
@colorarray = qw { white red green blue yellow black };
print @colorarray;
will output each element of the array. Note that none of the elements in the array have newline characters so they are all displayed on the same line:
To display the array as an interpolated array put the array in double quotes:
@colorarray = qw { white red green blue yellow black };
print "@colorarray";
The print command treats the array as though it had been interpolated into a string variable and will output the values as a single string separated by spaces:
white red green blue yellow black