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Let us consider an example that uses a few of these characters:

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; print "A backslash: \\\n"; print "Tab follows:\tover here\n"; print "Ring! \a\n"; print "Please pay bkuhn\ \$20.\n";

This program, when run, produces the following output on the screen:

A backslash: \ Tab follows: over here Ring! Please pay $20.

In addition, when running, you should hear the computer beep. That is the output of the `\a' character, which you cannot see on the screen. However, you should be able to hear it.

Notice that the `\n' character ends a line. `\n' should always be used to end a line. Those students familiar with the C language will be used to using this sequence to mean newline. When writing Perl, the word newline and the `\n' character are roughly synonymous.

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