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Fedora Core 5 Xen Virtualization Guide
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After Installation

Once the installer exits, you'll want to power your guest OS on with the following command.

  • # /usr/sbin/xm create -c foo 

foo is the name you gave for your guest. The -c will attach a xen console to your vm. A variety of other commands are available via xm including

  • # /usr/sbin/xm help

for a list of commands that can be run

  • # /usr/sbin/xm top

for a display showing what your virtual machines are doing similar to that provided by top.

  • # /usr/sbin/xm shutdown foo

to nicely shut down a guest OS where foo is the name of your guest.

  • # /usr/sbin/xm save foo /root/foo.restore

to save the state of the guest 'foo' to the file /root/foo.restore

  • # /usr/sbin/xm restore /root/foo.restore

to restore the above saved guest.

Fedora Core 5 Xen Virtualization Guide
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