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Fedora Core 5 Xen Virtualization Guide
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Enabling Xen

Once you've rebooted with the xen-hypervisor GRUB option, you should be running with a Xen-enabled kernel 3. Also, the Xen service should already be running. To check that Xen is running successfully, enter the following command:

  • # /usr/sbin/xm list

You should see Domain-0 (the Xen-enabled host) running.

  • /!\ Note that for the default setup, networking for guest OS's is bridged. This means that they will get an IP address on the same network as your host, thus, if you have a DHCP server providing addresses, you will need to ensure that it is configured to give addresses to your guests. You can change to another networking type by editing /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp

Fedora Core 5 Xen Virtualization Guide
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