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By default most browsers render text with a jagged right edge. If you want all text rendered like in a book with an even right edge you can use a single style rule. To set all text to justified copy the following code into the section of your document.

If you want all text rendered like in a book with an even right edge you can use a single style rule. To set all text to justified copy the following code into the <HEAD> section of your document.

<STYLE TYPE="text/css">

The problem with justification is that many browsers get confused about where the last line of text is (which shouldn't be justified). For example, MSIE 4.x is confused when a block of text is immediately followed by a table. Notice in this image that the last line of text stretches the words "one of our agents" across a full line:

An example of poor rendering of justification

To remedy this situation surround all blocks of text with <P ...> and </P>:

The special runs through August 16th, at which time we are required 
by federal law to revert to the old rates. Call one of our agents:

<TR> <TD>Hunter</TD>  <TD>1-2039</TD>
<TR> <TD>Garland</TD> <TD>1-3593</TD>

Now our errant MSIE renders things more sanely:

Better justification

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