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Attribute for <DIV ...>

ALIGN sets the alignment of the contents of the <DIV ...> element. All four values, LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, and JUSTIFY, are all well supported. LEFT is the default value.

This code shows the default:

This would be a great time for a cup of coffee, don't you think? How 
about that! Let's drink coffee all day!

which gives us:

This would be a great time for a cup of coffee, don't you think? How about that! Let's drink coffee all day!

This would be a great time for a cup of coffee, don't you think? How
about that! Let's drink coffee all day!

gives us:

This would be a great time for a cup of coffee, don't you think? How about that! Let's drink coffee all day!

I'm sensing a distinct shift to the right in this country.

gives us:

I'm sensing a distinct shift to the right in this country.

I consider myself an extreme centrist.

gives us:

I consider myself an extreme centrist.

I feel completely justified in this opinion. etc.

gives us:

I feel completely justified in this opinion. I feel completely justified in this opinion. I feel completely justified in this opinion. I feel completely justified in this opinion. I feel completely justified in this opinion. I feel completely justified in this opinion. I feel completely justified in this opinion. I feel completely justified in this opinion. I feel completely justified in this opinion. I feel completely justified in this opinion. I feel completely justified in this opinion. I feel completely justified in this opinion. I feel completely justified in this opinion. I feel completely justified in this opinion. I feel completely justified in this opinion. I feel completely justified in this opinion.

  Copyright 1997-2002 Idocs inc. Published under the terms of the Open Content License Design by Interspire