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Attribute for <APPLET ...>

Usage Recommendation
thumbs up use it

ARCHIVE designates the URL of a JAR (Java ARchive) file. A JAR file is a compressed file containing the component files needed to run an applet. For example, the applet below uses ten different class files. Using just the CODE attribute we can point to the top class, which will load the others. That requires ten separate full file downloads. However, ARCHIVE indicates that "FieldTestF.jar" contains some (or all) of the needed resources. The browser downloads the jar file first, and looks in the jar file for class files it needs before heading back out on the net. This saves bandwidth several different ways. Jar files are compressed and download quicker (in our example our one jar file is 10K compared to 15K of class files). Downloading just one file saves the overhead that would be required for (in this case) ten separate downloads. Finally, if every class must be downloaded separately, the applet will start and run as it can, but then stop when it has to wait for some component to download. With jar files, everything is downloaded first, and the applet "starts all at once", which is much more aesthetic.

  WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="90"
  ARCHIVE = "FieldTestF.jar"
This example uses an applet.

gives us this applet

This example uses an applet.

Any kind of file can be put in a jar file, not just classes. Many people add images that will be used in the applet. Adding images, however, requires a little extra Java programming. For that and other technical details on creating Java applets, we refer you to the applet section of the Java FAQ.

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