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The Guide to Writing SELinux Policy
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6. System administrator related files

This section will discuss the policies related to the sysadm_r role, i.e., the system administrator. We have already seen how an SE Linux identity can be granted sysadm_r in section 4.1.

6.1 The admin_macros.te file

The admin_macros.te file contains macros for the system administration domains.


# Inherit rules for ordinary users.
Define the macro admin_domain and allow it to have the same rules as user_t. $1 in this case would be sysadm.


allow $1_t policy_config_t:dir { getattr search };
allow $1_t policy_config_t:file getattr;
Allow sysadm_t to getattr (things such as ls -l) and search files and directories under a directory that has a type of policy_config_t.


allow $1_t kernel_t:system syslog_read;
Allow sysadm_t to read the system logs. kernel_t is the type for the kernel itself. system is the class of the operation, the operation being to read the syslog.


# Use capabilities other than sys_module.
allow $1_t self:capability ~sys_module;
Allow sysadm_t to use all capabilities apart from sys_module, which is used to load modules.


# Get security policy decisions.
If you look at the file core_macros.te (under the macros directory) and search for can_getsecurity, this is what you see:
# can_getsecurity(domain)
# Authorize a domain to get security policy decisions.
allow $1 security_t:dir { read search getattr };
allow $1 security_t:file { getattr read write };
allow $1 security_t:security { check_context compute_av compute_create compute_relabel compute_user };
Here, $1 is allowed to read, search and get attributes of a directory of type security_t (your policy source directory). $1 can also get attributes, read and write files in a directory of type security_t. Finally, $1 cancheck context validity, check whether the policy permits the source context to access the target context, compute a context for the labelling of a new object, compute the new context when relabelling an object, and to determine which user contexts can be reached from a given source context.


# Change system parameters.
sysadm_t is able to modify sysctl parameters, which is basically everything under /proc/sys. If you run the command grep ^type.*sysctl_type policy.conf you'll see the types that have the attribute sysctl_type.

The Guide to Writing SELinux Policy
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  Published with kind permission of Faye Coker Design by Interspire