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SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop Deployment Guide
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26.0 System Configuration Profile Management

With the help of SCPM (system configuration profile management), adapt the configuration of your computer to different operating environments or hardware configurations. SCPM manages a set of system profiles for the different scenarios. It enables easy switching between system profiles, eliminating the need for manually reconfiguring the system.

Some situations require a modified system configuration. This would mostly be the case for mobile computers that are operated in varying locations. If a desktop system should be operated temporarily using other hardware components than usual, SCPM comes in handy. Restoring the original system configuration should be easy and the modification of the system configuration can be reproduced. With SCPM, any part of the system configuration can be kept in a customized profile.

The main field of application of SCPM is network configuration on laptops. Different network configurations often require different settings of other services, such as e-mail or proxies. Then other elements follow, like different printers at home and at the office, a customized X server configuration for the multimedia projector at conferences, special power-saving settings for the road, or a different time zone at an overseas subsidiary.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop Deployment Guide
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