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SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) GNOME User Guide
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10.0 Manipulating Graphics with The GIMP

The GIMP (The GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a program for creating and editing pixel graphics. In most aspects, its features are comparable to those of Adobe Photoshop and other commercial programs. Use it to resize and retouch photographs, design graphics for Web pages, make covers for your custom CDs, or almost any other graphics project. It meets the needs of both amateurs and professionals.

Like many other Linux programs, The GIMP is developed as a cooperative effort of developers worldwide who volunteer their time and code to the project. The program is under constant development, so the version included in your system may vary slightly from the version discussed here. The layout of the individual windows and window sections is especially likely to vary.

The GIMP is an extremely complex program. Only a small range of features, tools, and menu items are discussed in this chapter. See For More Information for ideas of where to find more information about the program.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) GNOME User Guide
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  Published Courtesy of Novell, Inc. Design by Interspire