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13.4. Additional Resources

This section briefly covers several applications. Refer to the following resources for more information about the applications in this chapter.

13.4.1. Installed Documentation

  • cdrecord man page — Discusses how to burn data, audio and mixed-mode CDs and DVDs. Offers all options and commands in detail, including some example commands for common CD and DVD burning tasks.

  • /usr/share/doc/cdrecord-<version> (where <version> is the version of cdrecord installed on your system) — Several documentation files are included with general usage and licensing information.

  • mkisofs man page — Comprehensive detail of the utility, including some warnings about creating certain types of ISO images. Offers all options and commands in detail, including some example commands for creating common ISO image files.

  • /usr/share/doc/mkisofs-<version> (where <version> is the version of mkisofs installed on your system) — Several documentation files are included with general usage and licensing information.

  • /usr/share/doc/dvdrecord-<version>/ (where <version> is the version of dvdrecord installed on your system) — For users who have DVD-R(+W) devices, this set of documentation helps you get started mastering DVD-ROMs for data backup and multimedia presentation.

13.4.2. Useful Websites

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