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Version Control with Subversion
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Version Control with Subversion - Basic Work Cycle - Commit Your Changes

Commit Your Changes

Finally! Your edits are finished, you've merged all changes from the server, and you're ready to commit your changes to the repository.

The svn commit command sends all of your changes to the repository. When you commit a change, you need to supply a log message, describing your change. Your log message will be attached to the new revision you create. If your log message is brief, you may wish to supply it on the command line using the --message (or -m) option:

$ svn commit --message "Corrected number of cheese slices."
Sending        sandwich.txt
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 3.

However, if you've been composing your log message as you work, you may want to tell Subversion to get the message from a file by passing the filename with the --file switch:

$ svn commit --file logmsg 
Sending        sandwich.txt
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 4.

If you fail to specify either the --message or --file switch, then Subversion will automatically launch your favorite editor (see the editor-cmd section in the section called “Config”) for composing a log message.


If you're in your editor writing a commit message and decide that you want to cancel your commit, you can just quit your editor without saving changes. If you've already saved your commit message, simply delete the text and save again.

$ svn commit
Waiting for Emacs...Done

Log message unchanged or not specified
a)bort, c)ontinue, e)dit

The repository doesn't know or care if your changes make any sense as a whole; it only checks to make sure that nobody else has changed any of the same files that you did when you weren't looking. If somebody has done that, the entire commit will fail with a message informing you that one or more of your files is out-of-date:

$ svn commit --message "Add another rule"
Sending        rules.txt
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Out of date: 'rules.txt' in transaction 'g'

At this point, you need to run svn update , deal with any merges or conflicts that result, and attempt your commit again.

That covers the basic work cycle for using Subversion. There are many other features in Subversion that you can use to manage your repository and working copy, but you can get by quite easily using only the commands that we've discussed so far in this chapter.

[3] Of course, nothing is ever totally deleted from the repository—just from the HEAD of the repository. You can get back anything you delete by checking out (or updating your working copy) a revision earlier than the one in which you deleted it.

[4] Subversion uses its internal diff engine, which produces unified diff format, by default. If you want diff output in a different format, specify an external diff program using --diff-cmd and pass any flags you'd like to it using the --extensions switch. For example, to see local differences in file foo.c in context output format while ignoring whitespace changes, you might run svn diff --diff-cmd /usr/bin/diff --extensions '-bc' foo.c .

[5] You can always remove the temporary files yourself, but would you really want to do that when Subversion can do it for you? We didn't think so.

[6] And if you ask them for it, they may very well ride you out of town on a rail.

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Version Control with Subversion
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