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Raising Exceptions

The raise statement does two things: it creates an exception object, and immediately leaves the expected program execution sequence to search the enclosing try statements for a matching except clause. The effect of a raise statement is to either divert execution in a matching except suite, or to stop the program because no matching except suite was found to handle the exception.

The exception object created by raise can contain a message string that provides a meaningful error message. In addition to the string, it is relatively simple to attach additional attributes to the exception.

Here are the two forms for the raise satement.

raise exceptionClass 〈, value

raise exception

The first form of the raise statement uses an exception class name. The optional parameter is the additional value that will be contained in the exception. Generally, this is a string.

Here's an example of the raise statement.

raise ValueError, "oh dear me"

This statement raises the built-in exception ValueError with an amplifying string of "oh dear me". The amplifying string in this example, one might argue, is of no use to anybody. This is an important consideration in exception design. When using a built-in exception, be sure that the parameter string pinpoints the error condition.

The second form of the raise statement uses an object constructor to create the Exception object.

raise ValueError( "oh dear me" )

Here's a variation on the second form in which additional attributes are provided for the exception.

ex= MyNewError( "oh dear me" )
ex.myCode= 42
ex.myType= "O+"
raise ex

In this case a handler can make use of the message, as well as the two additional attributes, myCode and myType.

Defining Your Own Exception. You will rarely have a need to raise a built-in exception. Most often, you will need to define an exception which is unique to your application.

We'll cover this in more detail as part of the object oriented programming features of Python, in Chapter 21, Classes . Here's the short version of how to create your own unique exception class.

class MyError( Exception ): pass

This single statement defines a subclass of Exception named MyError. You can then raise MyError in a raise statement and check for MyError in except clauses.

Here's an example of defining a unique exception and raising this exception with an amplifying string.

Example 17.3.

import math
class QuadError( Exception ): pass

def quad(a,b,c):
    if a == 0:
        ex= QuadError( "Not Quadratic" )
        ex.coef= ( a, b, c )
        raise ex
    if b*b-4*a*c < 0:
        ex= QuadError( "No Real Roots" )
        ex.coef= ( a, b, c )
        raise ex
    x1= (-b+math.sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a)
    x2= (-b-math.sqrt(b*b-4*a*c))/(2*a)
    return (x1,x2)

An application that used this function might do something like the following.

def quadReport( a, b, c ):
        x1, x2 = quad( a, b, c )
        print "Roots are", x1, x2
    except QuadError, ex:
        print ex, ex.coef

Additional raise Statements. Exceptions can be raised anywhere, including in an except clause of a try statement. We'll look at two examples of re-raising an exception.

We can use the simple raise statement in an except clause. This re-raises the original exception. We can use this to do standardized error handling. For example, we might write an error message to a log file, or we might have a standardized exception clean-up process.

attempt something risky

except Exception, ex:
    log_the_error( ex )

This shows how we might write the exception to a standard log in the function log_the_error and then re-raise the original exception again. This allows the overall application to choose whether to stop running gracefully or handle the exception.

The other common technique is to transform Python errors into our application's unique errors. Here's an example that logs an error and transforms the built-in FloatingPointError into our application-specific error, MyError.

class MyError( Exception ): pass

attempt something risky

except FloatingPointError, e:
do something locally, perhaps to clean up

    raise MyError("something risky failed: %s" % ( e, ) )

This allows us to have more consistent error messages, or to hide implementation details.

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