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24.2.8 Signal Messages

We mentioned above that the shell prints a message describing the signal that terminated a child process. The clean way to print a message describing a signal is to use the functions strsignal and psignal. These functions use a signal number to specify which kind of signal to describe. The signal number may come from the termination status of a child process (see Process Completion) or it may come from a signal handler in the same process.

— Function: char * strsignal (int signum)

This function returns a pointer to a statically-allocated string containing a message describing the signal signum. You should not modify the contents of this string; and, since it can be rewritten on subsequent calls, you should save a copy of it if you need to reference it later.

This function is a GNU extension, declared in the header file string.h.

— Function: void psignal (int signum, const char *message)

This function prints a message describing the signal signum to the standard error output stream stderr; see Standard Streams.

If you call psignal with a message that is either a null pointer or an empty string, psignal just prints the message corresponding to signum, adding a trailing newline.

If you supply a non-null message argument, then psignal prefixes its output with this string. It adds a colon and a space character to separate the message from the string corresponding to signum.

This function is a BSD feature, declared in the header file signal.h.

There is also an array sys_siglist which contains the messages for the various signal codes. This array exists on BSD systems, unlike strsignal.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire