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Thinking in C++ Vol 2 - Practical Programming
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The signal( ) function wakes up one thread that is waiting on a Condition object. However, multiple threads may be waiting on the same condition object, and in that case you might want to wake them all up using broadcast( ) instead of signal( ).

As an example that brings together many of the concepts in this chapter, consider a hypothetical robotic assembly line for automobiles. Each Car will be built in several stages, and in this example we ll look at a single stage: after the chassis has been created, at the time when the engine, drive train, and wheels are attached. The Cars are transported from one place to another via a CarQueue, which is a type of TQueue. A Director takes each Car (as a raw chassis) from the incoming CarQueue and places it in a Cradle, which is where all the work is done. At this point, the Director tells all the waiting robots (using broadcast( )) that the Car is in the Cradle ready for the robots to work on it. The three types of robots go to work, sending a message to the Cradle when they finish their tasks. The Director waits until all the tasks are complete and then puts the Car onto the outgoing CarQueue to be transported to the next operation. Here, the consumer of the outgoing CarQueue is a Reporter object, which just prints the Car to show that the tasks have been properly completed.

//: C11:CarBuilder.cpp {RunByHand}
// How broadcast() works.
//{L} ZThread
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "zthread/Thread.h"
#include "zthread/Mutex.h"
#include "zthread/Guard.h"
#include "zthread/Condition.h"
#include "zthread/ThreadedExecutor.h"
#include "TQueue.h"
using namespace ZThread;
using namespace std;
class Car {
int id;
bool engine, driveTrain, wheels;
Car(int idn) : id(idn), engine(false),
driveTrain(false), wheels(false) {}
// Empty Car object:
Car() : id(-1), engine(false),
driveTrain(false), wheels(false) {}
// Unsynchronized -- assumes atomic bool operations:
int getId() { return id; }
void addEngine() { engine = true; }
bool engineInstalled() { return engine; }
void addDriveTrain() { driveTrain = true; }
bool driveTrainInstalled() { return driveTrain; }
void addWheels() { wheels = true; }
bool wheelsInstalled() { return wheels; }
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Car& c) {
return os << "Car " << << " ["
<< " engine: " << c.engine
<< " driveTrain: " << c.driveTrain
<< " wheels: " << c.wheels << " ]";
typedef CountedPtr< TQueue<Car> > CarQueue;
class ChassisBuilder : public Runnable {
CarQueue carQueue;
int counter;
ChassisBuilder(CarQueue& cq) : carQueue(cq),counter(0) {}
void run() {
try {
while(!Thread::interrupted()) {
// Make chassis:
Car c(counter++);
cout << c << endl;
// Insert into queue
} catch(Interrupted_Exception&) { /* Exit */ }
cout << "ChassisBuilder off" << endl;
class Cradle {
Car c; // Holds current car being worked on
bool occupied;
Mutex workLock, readyLock;
Condition workCondition, readyCondition;
bool engineBotHired, wheelBotHired, driveTrainBotHired;
: workCondition(workLock), readyCondition(readyLock) {
occupied = false;
engineBotHired = true;
wheelBotHired = true;
driveTrainBotHired = true;
void insertCar(Car chassis) {
c = chassis;
occupied = true;
Car getCar() { // Can only extract car once
if(!occupied) {
cerr << "No Car in Cradle for getCar()" << endl;
return Car(); // "Null" Car object
occupied = false;
return c;
// Access car while in cradle:
Car* operator->() { return &c; }
// Allow robots to offer services to this cradle:
void offerEngineBotServices() {
Guard<Mutex> g(workLock);
engineBotHired = true; // Accept the job
void offerWheelBotServices() {
Guard<Mutex> g(workLock);
wheelBotHired = true; // Accept the job
void offerDriveTrainBotServices() {
Guard<Mutex> g(workLock);
driveTrainBotHired = true; // Accept the job
// Tell waiting robots that work is ready:
void startWork() {
Guard<Mutex> g(workLock);
engineBotHired = false;
wheelBotHired = false;
driveTrainBotHired = false;
// Each robot reports when their job is done:
void taskFinished() {
Guard<Mutex> g(readyLock);
// Director waits until all jobs are done:
void waitUntilWorkFinished() {
Guard<Mutex> g(readyLock);
while(!(c.engineInstalled() && c.driveTrainInstalled()
&& c.wheelsInstalled()))
typedef CountedPtr<Cradle> CradlePtr;
class Director : public Runnable {
CarQueue chassisQueue, finishingQueue;
CradlePtr cradle;
Director(CarQueue& cq, CarQueue& fq, CradlePtr cr)
: chassisQueue(cq), finishingQueue(fq), cradle(cr) {}
void run() {
try {
while(!Thread::interrupted()) {
// Blocks until chassis is available:
// Notify robots car is ready for work
// Wait until work completes
// Put car into queue for further work
} catch(Interrupted_Exception&) { /* Exit */ }
cout << "Director off" << endl;
class EngineRobot : public Runnable {
CradlePtr cradle;
EngineRobot(CradlePtr cr) : cradle(cr) {}
void run() {
try {
while(!Thread::interrupted()) {
// Blocks until job is offered/accepted:
cout << "Installing engine" << endl;
} catch(Interrupted_Exception&) { /* Exit */ }
cout << "EngineRobot off" << endl;
class DriveTrainRobot : public Runnable {
CradlePtr cradle;
DriveTrainRobot(CradlePtr cr) : cradle(cr) {}
void run() {
try {
while(!Thread::interrupted()) {
// Blocks until job is offered/accepted:
cout << "Installing DriveTrain" << endl;
} catch(Interrupted_Exception&) { /* Exit */ }
cout << "DriveTrainRobot off" << endl;
class WheelRobot : public Runnable {
CradlePtr cradle;
WheelRobot(CradlePtr cr) : cradle(cr) {}
void run() {
try {
while(!Thread::interrupted()) {
// Blocks until job is offered/accepted:
cout << "Installing Wheels" << endl;
} catch(Interrupted_Exception&) { /* Exit */ }
cout << "WheelRobot off" << endl;
class Reporter : public Runnable {
CarQueue carQueue;
Reporter(CarQueue& cq) : carQueue(cq) {}
void run() {
try {
while(!Thread::interrupted()) {
cout << carQueue->get() << endl;
} catch(Interrupted_Exception&) { /* Exit */ }
cout << "Reporter off" << endl;
int main() {
cout << "Press <Enter> to quit" << endl;
try {
CarQueue chassisQueue(new TQueue<Car>),
finishingQueue(new TQueue<Car>);
CradlePtr cradle(new Cradle);
ThreadedExecutor assemblyLine;
assemblyLine.execute(new EngineRobot(cradle));
assemblyLine.execute(new DriveTrainRobot(cradle));
assemblyLine.execute(new WheelRobot(cradle));
new Director(chassisQueue, finishingQueue, cradle));
assemblyLine.execute(new Reporter(finishingQueue));
// Start everything running by producing chassis:
assemblyLine.execute(new ChassisBuilder(chassisQueue));
} catch(Synchronization_Exception& e) {
cerr << e.what() << endl;
} ///:~

You ll notice that Car takes a shortcut: it assumes that bool operations are atomic, which, as previously discussed, is sometimes a safe assumption but requires careful thought.[161] Each Car begins as an unadorned chassis, and different robots will attach different parts to it, calling the appropriate add function when they do.

A ChassisBuilder simply creates a new Car every second and places it into the chassisQueue. A Director manages the build process by taking the next Car off the chassisQueue, putting it into the Cradle, telling all the robots to startWork( ), and suspending itself by calling waitUntilWorkFinished( ). When the work is done, the Director takes the Car out of the Cradle and puts in into the finishingQueue.

The Cradle is the crux of the signaling operations. A Mutex and a Condition object control both the working of the robots and indicate whether all the operations are finished. A particular type of robot can offer its services to the Cradle by calling the offer function appropriate to its type. At this point, that robot thread is suspended until the Director calls startWork( ), which changes the hiring flags and calls broadcast( ) to tell all the robots to show up for work. Although this system allows any number of robots to offer their services, each one of those robots has its thread suspended by doing so. You could imagine a more sophisticated system where the robots register themselves with many different Cradles without being suspended by that registration process and then reside in a pool waiting for the first Cradle that needs a task completed.

After each robot finishes its task (changing the state of the Car in the process), it calls taskFinished( ), which sends a signal( ) to the readyCondition, which is what the Director is waiting on in waitUntilWorkFinished( ). Each time the director thread awakens, the state of the Car is checked, and if it still isn t finished, that thread is suspended again.

When the Director inserts a Car into the Cradle, you can perform operations on that Car via the operator->( ). To prevent multiple extractions of the same car, a flag causes an error report to be generated. (Exceptions don t propagate across threads in the ZThread library.)

In main( ), all the necessary objects are created and the tasks are initialized, with the ChassisBuilder begun last to start the process. (However, because of the behavior of the TQueue, it wouldn t matter if it were started first.) Note that this program follows all the guidelines regarding object and task lifetime presented in this chapter, and so the shutdown process is safe.

Thinking in C++ Vol 2 - Practical Programming
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   Reproduced courtesy of Bruce Eckel, MindView, Inc. Design by Interspire