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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - Applying Minilanguages - Case Study:

Case Study: fetchmail Run-Control Syntax

See Example8.5 for an example.

This run-control file can be viewed as an imperative minilanguage. There is an implied flow of execution: cycle through the list of poll commands repeatedly (sleeping for a while at the end of each cycle), and for each site entry collect mail for each associated user in sequence. It is far from being general-purpose; all it can do is sequence the program's polling behavior.

As with pic(1), one could choose to view this minilanguage as either declarations or a very weak imperative language, and argue endlessly over the distinction. On the one hand, it has neither conditionals nor recursion nor loops; in fact, it has no explicit control structures at all. On the other hand, it does describe actions rather than just relationships, which distinguishes it from a purely declarative syntax like Glade GUI descriptions.

Run-control minilanguages for complex programs often straddle this border. We're making a point of this fact because not having explicit control structures in an imperative minilanguage can be a tremendous simplification if the problem domain lets you get away with it.

One notable feature of .fetchmailrc syntax is the use of optional noise keywords that are supported simply in order to make the specifications read a bit more like English. The ‘with’ keywords and single occurrence of ‘options’ in the example aren't actually necessary, but they help make the declarations easier to read at a glance.

The traditional term for this sort of thing is syntactic sugar; the maxim that goes with this is a famous quip that “syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon”.[88] Indeed, syntactic sugar needs to be used sparingly lest it obscure more than help.

In Chapter9 we'll see how data-driven programming helps provide an elegant solution to the problem of editing fetchmail run-control files through a GUI.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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