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openSUSE 11.1 Reference Guide
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19.5 For More Information

In the directory /usr/share/doc/packages/pam of your installed system, find the following additional documentation:


In the top level of this directory, there are some general README files. The subdirectory modules holds README files about the available PAM modules.

The Linux-PAM System Administrators' Guide

This document includes everything that a system administrator should know about PAM. It discusses a range of topics, from the syntax of configuration files to the security aspects of PAM. The document is available as a PDF file, in HTML format, and as plain text.

The Linux-PAM Module Writers' Manual

This document summarizes the topic from the developer's point of view, with information about how to write standard-compliant PAM modules. It is available as a PDF file, in HTML format, and as plain text.

The Linux-PAM Application Developers' Guide

This document includes everything needed by an application developer who wants to use the PAM libraries. It is available as a PDF file, in HTML format, and as plain text.

The PAM Manual Pages

PAM in general as well as the individual modules come with manual pages that provide a good overview of the functionality provided by the respective component.

Thorsten Kukuk has developed a number of PAM modules and made some information available about them at

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