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Table of Contents

  1. Document Information

  2. Preface

  3. Who Should Use This Book

  4. How the System Administration Guides Are Organized

  5. Related Third-Party Web Site References

  6. Documentation, Support, and Training

  7. Typographic Conventions

  8. Shell Prompts in Command Examples

  9. General Conventions

  10. Introduction to Printing in the Solaris Operating System

  11. What's New in Printing?

  12. Fundamentals of Printing in the Solaris Operating System

  13. Overview of the Solaris Printing Architecture

  14. Implementation of the Open Standard Print API

  15. Using Printing Protocols in the Solaris Release

  16. Overview of Solaris Print Manager

  17. Overview of the LP Print Service

  18. The Solaris Print Client-Server Process

  19. Where to Find Printing Tasks

  20. Planning for Printing in the Solaris Operating System (Tasks)

  21. Determining a Method to Use for Printer Setup and Administration

  22. Planning for Printer Setup and Administration

  23. Distributing Printers on the Network

  24. Printer Configuration Resources

  25. Assigning Print Servers and Print Clients

  26. Print Server Requirements and Recommendations

  27. Setting Up Printing Services (Tasks)

  28. Setting Up Solaris Printing Services (Task Map)

  29. Using Solaris Print Manager

  30. Setting Up the Internet Printing Protocol

  31. Enabling and Disabling Printing Services (Task Map)

  32. Administering Network Printing Services

  33. Setting Up Printers (Tasks)

  34. Introduction to Setting Up Printers

  35. Setting Up Printers on a Print Server (Task Map)

  36. Setting Up Directly Attached Printers by Using Solaris Print Manager

  37. Setting Up Directly Attached Printers by Using LP Print Service Commands

  38. Setting Up Network Printers

  39. Setting Up Network‐Attached Printers by Using Solaris Print Manager

  40. Setting Up Network‐Attached Printers by Using LP Print Commands

  41. Adding a New Network‐Attached Printer by Using Printer Vendor-Supplied Software

  42. Setting Up Printers That are Associated With PPD Files

  43. Setting Up Printers on a Print Client (Task Map)

  44. Setting Up a Print Client

  45. Setting Up a .printers File

  46. Administering Printers by Using Solaris Print Manager and LP Print Commands (Tasks)

  47. Introduction to Administering Printers

  48. Administering Printers by Using Solaris Print Manager (Task Map)

  49. Administering Printers and the Print Scheduler by Using LP Print Commands (Task Map)

  50. Setting Printer Definitions by Using LP Print Commands (Task Map)

  51. Administering Print Requests by Using the LP Print Commands (Task Map)

  52. Administering Printers That Are Associated With PPD Files (Task Map)

  53. Administering Printers That Use Network Printing Protocols (Tasks)

  54. Administering Printers by Using the Internet Printing Protocol (Task Map)

  55. Administering Printers by Using the RFC-1179 Printing Protocol (Task Map)

  56. Administering Printers by Using the SMB Protocol

  57. Customizing Printing Services and Printers (Tasks)

  58. Customizing Printing Services (Task Map)

  59. Administering Character Sets, Filters, Forms, and Fonts (Tasks)

  60. Administering Character Sets (Task Map)

  61. Administering Character Sets

  62. Administering Print Filters (Task Map)

  63. Creating a New Print Filter

  64. Administering Print Filters

  65. Administering Forms (Task Map)

  66. Creating a New Printer Form

  67. Administering Forms

  68. Administering Fonts (Task Map)

  69. Administering Fonts

  70. Administering Printers by Using the PPD File Management Utility (Tasks)

  71. Administering PPD Files by Using the PPD File Management Utility (Task Map)

  72. Overview of the PPD File Management Utility

  73. Using the PPD File Manager (ppdmgr) Utility

  74. Setting Up and Administering Printers From the Desktop (Tasks)

  75. Introduction to the OpenSolaris Print Manager

  76. Managing Network Device Discovery Services (Task Map)

  77. Managing Printers and Printer Queues (Task Map)

  78. Getting Started With the OpenSolaris Print Manager

  79. Setting Up Printers by Using the OpenSolaris Print Manager

  80. Managing Printer Groups and Print Jobs (Task Map)

  81. Managing Printer Groups

  82. Managing Print Jobs

  83. Managing Print Manager and Printer Preferences (Task Map)

  84. Managing Print Manager and Printer Preferences

  85. Printing in the Solaris Operating System (Reference)

  86. Solaris Print Manager

  87. LP Print Service

  88. Using PPD Files To Set Up Printers

  89. PPD File Management Utility

  90. How PAPI Is Implemented in the Solaris OS

  91. Troubleshooting Printing Problems (Tasks)

  92. Tips on Troubleshooting Printer Setup Problems

  93. Tips on Troubleshooting Printing Problems

  94. Troubleshooting Printing Problems

  95. Using the Internet Printing Protocol

  96. Overview of Solaris IPP Support

  97. Overview of the IPP Listening Service

  98. IPP Components

  99. IPP Support Model

  100. IPP Server-Side Support

  101. IPP Client-Side Support

  102. IPP Attributes

  103. Glossary

  104. Index

  105. Index

  106. Index

  107. Index

  108. Index

  109. Index

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