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Solaris Express Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations
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install_config command
To Allow All Systems Access to the Profile Server
To Allow All Systems Access to the Profile Server
install_type keyword, install_type Profile Keyword
install_type profile keyword
examples, Profile Examples
Syntax of Profiles
Profile Examples
testing profiles, Profile Test Examples
installed probe keyword, description and values, Probe Keywords and Values
installed rule keyword, description and values
Rule Keywords and Values
Probe Keywords and Values
IP addresses
probe keyword, Probe Keywords and Values
rule keyword
Rule Keywords and Values
Probe Keywords and Values



karch probe keyword, Probe Keywords and Values
karch rule keyword
Rule Keywords and Values
Probe Keywords and Values
probe, Probe Keywords
Solaris Flash archives, custom JumpStart, archive_location Keyword


layout_constraint keyword, layout_constraint Profile Keyword
le0: No carrier - transceiver cable problem message, Booting From Media, Error Messages
locale keyword, locale Profile Keyword
log files
begin script output, Important Information About Begin Scripts
finish script output, Important Information About Finish Scripts
logical AND rule field, To Create a rules File





-p option of check script
To Validate the rules File
To Validate the custom_probes File
with a finish script, Adding Packages or Patches With a Finish Script
with chroot, Adding Packages or Patches With a Finish Script
administration file, Using Optional Custom JumpStart Features (Tasks)
requirements when using custom JumpStart, Additional SVR4 Packaging Requirements (Reference)
Solaris Live Upgrade
requirements, Additional SVR4 Packaging Requirements (Reference)
examples, Profile Examples
excluding disks, dontuse Profile Keyword
fdisk partitions
Profile Examples
x86: fdisk Profile Keyword
profile keyword
partitioning Profile Keyword
usedisk Profile Keyword
partitioning keyword, partitioning Profile Keyword
password, root
Setting a System's Root Password With a Finish Script
Setting a System's Root Password With a Finish Script
with a finish script, Adding Packages or Patches With a Finish Script
with chroot, Adding Packages or Patches With a Finish Script
paths, check script
To Validate the rules File
To Validate the custom_probes File
begin scripts, Important Information About Begin Scripts
finish scripts, Important Information About Finish Scripts
JumpStart directory
Creating a Profile Server for Networked Systems
Creating a Profile Diskette for Standalone Systems
pfinstall command, Testing a Profile
diskless client, client_arch Profile Keyword
matching system attributes and profiles
rules File Example
SPARC: Performing a Custom JumpStart Installation
x86: Performing a Custom JumpStart Installation
probe keywords, Probe Keywords and Values
rule keywords
Rule Keywords and Values
Probe Keywords and Values
system model names
Rule Keywords and Values
Probe Keywords and Values
Probe Keywords and Values
preparing for installation, with custom JumpStart
How the JumpStart Program Installs Solaris Software
To Validate the rules File
probe keywords
arch, Probe Keywords and Values
disks, Probe Keywords and Values
domainname, Probe Keywords and Values
hostaddress, Probe Keywords and Values
hostname, Probe Keywords and Values
installed, Probe Keywords and Values
karch, Probe Keywords and Values
memsize, Probe Keywords and Values
model, Probe Keywords and Values
network, Probe Keywords and Values
osname, Probe Keywords and Values
rootdisk, Probe Keywords and Values
totaldisk, Probe Keywords and Values
probe rule keyword, description and values, Rule Keywords and Values
probe keywords, Probe Keywords and Values
rule keywords
Rule Keywords and Values
Probe Keywords and Values
profile keywords
Profile Keywords Quick Reference
usedisk Profile Keyword
archive_location, archive_location Keyword
backup_media, backup_media Profile Keyword
boot_device, boot_device Profile Keyword
bootenv createbe, bootenv createbe Profile Keyword
case sensitivity, Profile Keywords Quick Reference
client_arch, client_arch Profile Keyword
client_root, client_root Profile Keyword
client_swap, client_swap Profile Keyword
description and values
cluster Profile Keyword (Adding Software Groups)
cluster Profile Keyword (Adding or Deleting Clusters)
examples, Profile Examples
creating state database replicas (meatball), metadb Profile Keyword (Creating State Database Replicas)
description and values, dontuse Profile Keyword
usedisk and, usedisk Profile Keyword
description and values, x86: fdisk Profile Keyword
example, Profile Examples
description and values, filesys Profile Keyword (Mounting Remote File Systems)
Profile Examples
Profile Examples
local file systems, filesys Profile Keyword (Creating Local File Systems)
RAID-1 volumes, filesys Profile Keyword (Creating RAID-1 Volumes)
remote file systems, filesys Profile Keyword (Mounting Remote File Systems)
forced_deployment, description and values, forced_deployment Profile Keyword (Installing Solaris Flash Differential Archives)
description and values, geo Profile Keyword
description and values, install_type Profile Keyword
examples, Profile Examples
Syntax of Profiles
Profile Examples
layout_constraint, description and values, layout_constraint Profile Keyword
local_customization, description and values, local_customization Profile Keyword (Installing Solaris Flash Archives)
locale, description and values, locale Profile Keyword
description and values, metadb Profile Keyword (Creating State Database Replicas)
examples, Profile Examples
no_master_check, description and values, no_master_check Profile Keyword (Installing Solaris Flash Archives)
noneuclidean, num_clients Profile Keyword
description and values, partitioning Profile Keyword
designating disks, usedisk Profile Keyword
Profile Examples
Profile Examples
excluding disks, dontuse Profile Keyword
root_device, root_device Profile Keyword
description and values, system_type Profile Keyword
examples, Profile Examples
usedisk, description and values, usedisk Profile Keyword
comments in, Syntax of Profiles
creating, Creating a Profile
derived profiles
Creating Derived Profiles With a Begin Script
Creating Derived Profiles With a Begin Script
Creating a Profile
Creating a Profile
examples, Profile Examples
eng_profile, SPARC: Create the Engineering Group's Profile
marketing_profile, x86: Create the Marketing Group's Profile
Solaris Flash
Profile Examples
Profile Examples
Profile Examples
Profile Examples
WAN boot installation, Profile Examples
matching systems to
rules File Example
SPARC: Performing a Custom JumpStart Installation
x86: Performing a Custom JumpStart Installation
naming, To Create a Profile
Syntax of the rules File
Syntax of Profiles
rule field, To Create a rules File
testing, Profile Test Examples
prtvtoc command
SPARC: creating disk configuration file, SPARC: To Create a Disk Configuration File
x86: disk configuration file creation, x86: To Create a Disk Configuration File
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