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Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide
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Creating RAID-0 (Concatenation) Volumes

How to Create a RAID-0 (Concatenation) Volume

Caution - Do not create volumes larger than 1Tbyte if you expect to run the Solaris software with a 32–bit kernel. Additionally, do not create volumes larger than 1 Tbyte if you expect to use a version of the Solaris OS prior to the Solaris 9 4/03 release. See Overview of Multi-Terabyte Support in Solaris Volume Manager for more information about multi-terabyte volumes in Solaris Volume Manager.

Before You Begin

Check Prerequisites for Creating Solaris Volume Manager Components and Background Information for Creating RAID-0 Volumes.

  • To create a concatenation volume, use one of the following methods:
    • From the Enhanced Storage tool within the Solaris Management Console, open the Volumes node. Choose Action⇒Create Volume, then follow the instructions in the wizard. For more information, see the online help.

    • Use the following form of the metainit command:

      # metainit volume-name number-of-stripes components-per-stripe component-names

      Specifies the name of the volume to create.


      Specifies the number of stripes to create.


      Specifies the number of components each concatenation should have.


      Specifies the names of the components that are used. If more than one component is used, separate each component with a space.

      For more information, see the following examples and the metainit(1M) man page.

Example 9-3 Creating a Concatenation of One Slice
# metainit d25 1 1 c0t1d0s2
d25: Concat/Stripe is setup

This example shows the creation of a concatenation, d25. This concatenation consists of one stripe (the first number 1) composed of a single slice (the second number 1 in front of the slice). The system verifies that the volume has been set up.

The example shows a concatenation that can safely encapsulate existing data.

Example 9-4 Creating a Concatenation of Four Slices
# metainit d40 4 1 c0t1d0s2 1 c0t2d0s2 1 c0t2d0s3 1 c0t2d1s3
d40: Concat/Stripe is setup

This example shows the creation of a concatenation, d40. The concatenation consists of four stripes (the number 4), each composed of a single slice (the number 1 in front of each slice). The system verifies that the volume has been set up.

See Also

To prepare the newly created concatenation for a file system, see Chapter 18, Creating UFS, TMPFS, and LOFS File Systems (Tasks), in System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems.

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