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Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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Calc and Excel have similar printing functionality, but there are some important differences.

By default, Excel only prints the active sheet. By contrast, Calc will print all of the sheets in the spreadsheet by default. To direct Calc to only print the active sheets, go to Tools > Options > Calc > Print (see Figure 6). Check the box Print only selected sheets. You can also check the box Suppress output of empty pages.


We recommend selecting both boxes, to print only selected sheets and to suppress output of empty pages.


By default, if no print ranges have been specified anywhere within the spreadsheet, the print range within a sheet will be chosen as a rectangular area from cell A1, to the lowest right cell that has content.

If a print range has been specified within the spreadsheet, even on a different sheet, there is no longer a default print range on any of the sheets. If no print range is established for a particular sheet, nothing from that sheet will be printed.

If you only want a portion of the spreadsheet to print, you must first specify a print range.

To define the print range (this is the equivalent of File > Page Setup > Sheet in Excel, first three fields):

  1. Format > Print Ranges > Edit.

  2. In the Edit Print Ranges dialog (Figure 7), select the desired range for each of the fields.

  3. You can select noncontiguous areas for the print area, with each area being on a separate page. Each area is separated by a semicolon.


Calc provides a page-break view.

  • View > Page break preview

Other settings, such as whether to have grid-lines, are done through the page style:

  • Format > Page > Sheet

Print preview:

With Excel, a print preview will show what will actually be printed when finally sent to the printer with the present settings in place. With Calc, the print preview will show the print ranges from all of the sheets in the spreadsheet, even if it has been specified to only print active pages.

To print:

  1. File > Print.

  2. Click Options to change the settings for suppressing blank pages or only the selected sheets.

  3. Other settings are the same as in Excel.

Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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