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It happens all the time. While working on a document, a change is made. The change was wrong, now you want to back out of your changes.

Fortunately, KWord has a solution.

Each time a change is made to a document, KWord remembers what the change was. KWord can Undo each change once a time.

As an example, you are writing a business letter and type in the following sentence:

It is a pleasure for me to give you this letter of introduction to your newest employee.

But that doesn't seem right, so you change it:

It is a joy for me to give you this letter of introduction to your newest employee.

You decide it was better the first time and you want to change it back.

Simply select Edit -> Undo from the menubar.

The text now reads “pleasure” again.

It is a pleasure for me to give you this letter of introduction to your newest employee.

If, after you Undo a change, and then want to reverse that decision, select Edit -> Redo and the Undo is reversed.


Sometimes it is not possible for KWord to undo an edit. In these instances, KWord will display the Undo function gray and the function is not accessible.

Othertimes, KWord will only perform a partial undo of the previous task. This is because KWord processes changes to documents differently then might initially be expected. Simply select Edit -> Undo again, and more of the edits will be undone.

By default, KWord keeps track of the last 30 edits to the document. This number can be adjusted up or down. For details, see Configuring KWord .

The Undo and Redo commands can be accessed from the menubar (as in the examples above), by using keyboard shortcuts or from the toolbar.

Command Toolbar Button Keyboard Shortcut
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire