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Slide Show Menu

Slide Show -> Configure Slide Show...

You can set up the properties for the entire slide show here, including whether to show the duration on screen, which of the slides in a presentation to include, and several other global settings.

Slide Show -> Edit Object Effect...

Choose what effect you want to apply for the highlighted object. This is where you can set the order of appearance, how the object will appear, if you want a sound while the object appears and if you want some disappearance effects too.

Slide Show -> Edit Slide Transition...

Apply transition effects to the currently open slide. This is where you can choose how the transition from one slide to the next will be handled.

The transition effects you select here are applied on the transition from this slide to the next.

Slide Show -> Start ( F12 )

Begin the slideshow from the current slide.

Slide Show -> Start From First Slide

Begin the slideshow from the first slide.

Slide Show -> Custom Slide Show...

Opens a dialog to Add... , Modify... , Remove and Copy slides and Test the slide show in full screen mode.

Slide Show -> Go to Start ( Home )

Go directly to the first slide in the slide show.

Slide Show -> Previous Slide ( PageUp )

Go back to the previous slide in the slide show.

Slide Show -> Next Slide ( PageDown )

Go to the next slide in the slide show.

Slide Show -> Go to End ( End )

Go immediately to the final slide in the slide show.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire