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2.5. Installing the binaries under UNIX

In general, installing the binary under your version of UNIX will be specific to the installation methods used with your version of UNIX. For example, under AIX, you would use smit to install the Wireshark binary package, while under Tru64 UNIX (formerly Digital UNIX) you would use setld .

2.5.1. Installing from rpm's under Red Hat and alike

Use the following command to install the Wireshark RPM that you have downloaded from the Wireshark web site:

rpm -ivh wireshark-1.2.0.i386.rpm

If the above step fails because of missing dependencies, install the dependencies first, and then retry the step above. See Example 2.3, “ Installing required RPMs under Red Hat Linux 6.2 and beyond ” for information on what RPMs you will need to have installed.

2.5.2. Installing from deb's under Debian

Use the following command to install Wireshark under Debian:

aptitude install wireshark

aptitude should take care of all of the dependency issues for you.

2.5.3. Installing from portage under Gentoo Linux

Use the following command to install Wireshark under Gentoo Linux with all of the extra features:

USE="adns gtk ipv6 portaudio snmp ssl kerberos threads selinux" emerge wireshark

2.5.4. Installing from packages under FreeBSD

Use the following command to install Wireshark under FreeBSD:

pkg_add -r wireshark

pkg_add should take care of all of the dependency issues for you.

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