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Using Samba
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8.6.2 dfree command

This global option is used on systems that incorrectly determine the free space left on the disk. So far, the only confirmed system that needs this option set is Ultrix. There is no default value for this option, which means that Samba already knows how to compute the free disk space on its own and the results are considered reliable. You can override it as follows:

	dfree command = /usr/local/bin/dfree

This option should point to a script that should return the total disk space in a block, and the number of available blocks. The Samba documentation recommends the following as a usable script:

df $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $2" "$4}'

On System V machines, the following will work:

/usr/bin/df $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $3" "$5}'
Using Samba
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