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Previous: Change Window, Up: Windows

25.7 Window Handling Convenience Features and Customization

M-x winner-mode is a global minor mode that records the changes in the window configuration (i.e. how the frames are partitioned into windows), so that you can “undo” them. To undo, use C-c left (winner-undo). If you change your mind while undoing, you can redo the changes you had undone using C-c right (M-x winner-redo). Another way to enable Winner mode is by customizing the variable winner-mode.

The Windmove commands move directionally between neighboring windows in a frame. M-x windmove-right selects the window immediately to the right of the currently selected one, and similarly for the “left,” “up,” and “down” counterparts. M-x windmove-default-keybindings binds these commands to S-right etc. (Not all terminals support shifted arrow keys, however.)

Follow minor mode (M-x follow-mode) synchronizes several windows on the same buffer so that they always display adjacent sections of that buffer. See Follow Mode.

M-x scroll-all-mode provides commands to scroll all visible windows together. You can also turn it on by customizing the variable scroll-all-mode. The commands provided are M-x scroll-all-scroll-down-all, M-x scroll-all-page-down-all and their corresponding “up” equivalents. To make this mode useful, you should bind these commands to appropriate keys.

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