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Chapter 14. Your Next Steps

Fedora provides you with a complete operating system with a vast range of capabilities, supported by a large community.

14.1. Updating Your System

The Fedora Project releases updated software packages for Fedora Core throughout the support period of each version. Updated packages add new features, improve reliability, resolve bugs, or remove security vulnerabilities. To ensure the security of your system, carry out an update when the installation process completes. You should then update regularly, and as soon as possible after a security announcement is issued. Refer to Section 14.2, “Subscribing to Fedora Announcements and News” for information on the Fedora announcements services.

To update your system with the latest packages, use the Package Updater :

  1. Choose Applications -> System Tools -> Package Updater .

  2. When prompted, enter the root password.

  3. Review the list of updated packages. The package list displays a double arrow next to any updates that require a system reboot to take effect.

  4. Click Apply Updates to begin the update process.

  5. If one or more updates require a system reboot, the update process displays a dialog with the option to Reboot Now . Either select this option to reboot the system immediately, or Cancel it and reboot the system at a more convenient time.

To update packages from the command-line, use the yum utility. Type this command to begin a full update of your system with yum:

su -c 'yum update'

Enter the root password when prompted.

Refer to for more information on yum.

[Tip] Automating Updates

If your Fedora system has a permanent network connection, you may choose to enable daily system updates. To enable automatic updates, follow the instructions on the webpage

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire