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3.3. Which Files Do I Download?

You have several options to download Fedora. Read the options below to decide which is best for you.

The architecture type appears in the name of the downloadable files for each Fedora distribution. For example, the file for the DVD distribution of Fedora 8 for x86_64 is named F-8-x86_64-DVD.iso. Refer to Section 3.2, “Which Architecture Is My Computer?” if you are unsure of your computer's architecture.

  1. Full Distribution on DVD. If you have plenty of time and a fast Internet connection, and want to be able to install a broader choice of software, download the full DVD version. Both types of media are bootable, and include an installation program as well as a mode to perform rescue operations on your Fedora system in an emergency. You can download the DVD version directly from a mirror, or via BitTorrent.

  2. Live Image. If you want to try Fedora before you install it on your computer, download the Live image version. If your computer supports booting from CD, you can boot the operating system without making any changes to your hard disk. The Live image also provides an "Install to Hard Disk" menu option. If you decide you like what you see, and want to install it, simply activate the selection to copy Fedora to your hard disk. You can download the Live image directly from a mirror, or using BitTorrent.

    [Note] No Live Images for ppc

    Fedora does not offer Live images available for the ppc architecture due to resource constraints.

  3. Minimal Boot Media. If you have a fast Internet connection but do not want to download the entire distribution, you can download a small boot image. Fedora offers images for a minimal boot environment on CD or USB flash disk, and a reduced size rescue CD image. Once you boot your system with the minimal media, you can install Fedora directly over the Internet. Although this method still involves downloading a significant amount of data over the Internet, it is almost always much less than the size of the full distribution media. Once you have finished installation, you can add or remove software to your system as desired.

    [Tip] Download Size

    Installing the default software for Fedora over the Internet requires more time than the Live image, but less time than the entire DVD distribution. Actual results depend on the actual software you select and network traffic conditions.

The following table explains where to find the desired files on a mirror site.

Locating Files
Media Type File Locations
Full distribution on DVD fedora/linux/releases/8/Live/ arch /iso/F-8- arch -DVD.iso
Live image fedora/linux/releases/8/Live/ arch /iso/F-8- arch -Live.iso, fedora/linux/releases/8/Live/ arch /iso/F-8-KDE- arch -Live.iso
Minimal CD boot media fedora/linux/releases/8/Fedora/ arch /os/images/boot.iso
Minimal USB boot media fedora/linux/releases/8/Fedora/ arch /os/images/diskboot.img
Rescue CD boot media fedora/linux/releases/8/Fedora/ arch /iso/F-8- arch -rescuecd.iso

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