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Fedora 11

Installation Guide

Installing Fedora 11 on x86, AMD64, and Intel® 64 architectures

Edition 1.0

Fedora Documentation Project

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Provides documentation for the installation process.

1. Document Conventions
1.1. Typographic Conventions
1.2. Pull-quote Conventions
1.3. Notes and Warnings
2. We Need Feedback!
1. Background
1.1. About Fedora
1.2. Getting Additional Help
2. About This Document
2.1. Goals
2.2. Audience
1. Quick Start for Experts
1.1. Overview
1.2. Download Files
1.3. Prepare for Installation
1.4. Install Fedora
1.5. Perform Post-installation Steps
2. New Users
2.1. How Do I Download Installation Files?
2.1.1. From a Mirror
2.1.2. From BitTorrent
2.2. Which Architecture Is My Computer?
2.3. Which Files Do I Download?
2.4. How Do I Make Fedora Media?
2.4.1. Making CD or DVD Discs
2.4.2. Making USB Media
2.5. What If I Cannot Download Fedora?
2.6. How Do I Start the Installation Program?
I. Before you begin
3. Steps to Get You Started
3.1. Upgrade or Install?
3.2. Is Your Hardware Compatible?
3.3. Do You Have Enough Disk Space?
3.4. Can You Install Using the CD-ROM or DVD?
3.4.1. Alternative Boot Methods
3.4.2. Making an Installation Boot CD-ROM
3.5. Preparing for a Network Installation
3.5.1. Preparing for FTP and HTTP installation
3.5.2. Preparing for an NFS install
3.6. Preparing for a Hard Drive Installation
4. System Specifications List
5. Driver Media for Intel and AMD Systems
5.1. Why Do I Need Driver Media?
5.2. So What Is Driver Media Anyway?
5.3. How Do I Obtain Driver Media?
5.3.1. Creating a Driver Diskette from an Image File
5.4. Using a Driver Image During Installation
II. The installation process
6. Beginning the Installation
6.1. The Boot Menu
6.2. Installing from a Different Source
6.3. Verifying Media
6.3.1. Verifying the Live CD
6.3.2. Verifying the DVD
6.4. Booting from the Network using PXE
6.5. Graphical and Text Interfaces
7. Installing on Intel and AMD Systems
7.1. The Graphical Installation Program User Interface
7.1.1. A Note about Virtual Consoles
7.2. The Text Mode Installation Program User Interface
7.2.1. Using the Keyboard to Navigate
7.3. Starting the Installation Program
7.3.1. Booting the Installation Program on x86, AMD64, and Intel 64 Systems
7.3.2. Additional Boot Options
7.4. Selecting an Installation Method
7.5. Installing from DVD/CD-ROM
7.5.1. What If the IDE CD-ROM Was Not Found?
7.6. Installing from a Hard Drive
7.7. Performing a Network Installation
7.8. Installing via NFS
7.9. Installing via FTP or HTTP
7.10. Welcome to Fedora
7.11. Language Selection
7.12. Keyboard Configuration
7.13. Initializing the Hard Disk
7.14. Upgrading an Existing System
7.14.1. Upgrade Examine
7.14.2. Upgrading Using the Installer
7.14.3. Upgrading Boot Loader Configuration
7.15. Network Configuration
7.15.1. Manual configuration
7.16. Time Zone Configuration
7.17. Set the Root Password
7.18. Disk Partitioning Setup
7.18.1. RAID and Other Disk Devices
7.19. Advanced Storage Options
7.20. Create Default Layout
7.21. Partitioning Your System
7.21.1. Graphical Display of Hard Drive(s)
7.21.2. The partitioning screen
7.21.3. Partition Fields
7.21.4. Recommended Partitioning Scheme
7.21.5. Adding Partitions
7.21.6. Editing Partitions
7.21.7. Deleting a Partition
7.22. x86, AMD64, and Intel 64 Boot Loader Configuration
7.22.1. Advanced Boot Loader Configuration
7.22.2. Rescue Mode
7.22.3. Alternative Boot Loaders
7.23. Package Group Selection
7.23.1. Installing from Additional Repositories
7.23.2. Customizing the Software Selection
7.24. Preparing to Install
7.24.1. Prepare to Install
7.25. Installing Packages
7.26. Installation Complete
8. Troubleshooting Installation on an Intel or AMD System
8.1. You are unable to boot Fedora
8.1.1. Are You Unable to Boot With Your RAID Card?
8.1.2. Is Your System Displaying Signal 11 Errors?
8.2. Trouble Beginning the Installation
8.2.1. Problems with Booting into the Graphical Installation
8.3. Trouble During the Installation
8.3.1. No devices found to install Fedora Error Message
8.3.2. Saving traceback messages without removeable media
8.3.3. Trouble with Partition Tables
8.3.4. Using Remaining Space
8.3.5. Other Partitioning Problems
8.3.6. Are You Seeing Python Errors?
8.4. Problems After Installation
8.4.1. Trouble With the Graphical GRUB Screen on an x86-based System?
8.4.2. Booting into a Graphical Environment
8.4.3. Problems with the X Window System (GUI)
8.4.4. Problems with the X Server Crashing and Non-Root Users
8.4.5. Problems When You Try to Log In
8.4.6. Is Your RAM Not Being Recognized?
8.4.7. Your Printer Does Not Work
8.4.8. Problems with Sound Configuration
8.4.9. Apache-based httpd service/Sendmail Hangs During Startup
III. Advanced installation options
9. Boot Options
9.1. Configuring the Installation System at the Boot Menu
9.1.1. Specifying the Language
9.1.2. Configuring the Interface
9.1.3. Updating anaconda
9.1.4. Specifying the Installation Method
9.1.5. Manually Configuring the Network Settings
9.2. Enabling Remote Access to the Installation System
9.2.1. Enabling Remote Access with VNC
9.2.2. Connecting the Installation System to a VNC Listener
9.2.3. Enabling Remote Access with Telnet
9.3. Logging to a Remote System During the Installation
9.3.1. Configuring a Log Server
9.4. Automating the Installation with Kickstart
9.5. Enhancing Hardware Support
9.5.1. Adding Hardware Support with Driver Disks
9.5.2. Overriding Automatic Hardware Detection
9.6. Using the Maintenance Boot Modes
9.6.1. Loading the Memory (RAM) Testing Mode
9.6.2. Verifying boot media
9.6.3. Booting Your Computer with the Rescue Mode
9.6.4. Upgrading your computer
10. Installing Without Media
10.1. Retrieving Boot Files
10.2. Editing the GRUB Configuration
10.3. Booting to Installation
11. Setting Up an Installation Server
11.1. Setting Up cobbler
11.2. Setting Up the Distribution
11.3. Mirroring a Network Location
11.4. Importing the Distribution
11.5. Manually configure a PXE server
11.5.1. Setting up the Network Server
11.5.2. PXE Boot Configuration
11.5.3. Adding PXE Hosts
11.5.4. TFTPD
11.5.5. Configuring the DHCP Server
11.5.6. Adding a Custom Boot Message
11.5.7. Performing the PXE Installation
12. Installing Through VNC
12.1. VNC Viewer
12.2. VNC Modes in Anaconda
12.2.1. Direct Mode
12.2.2. Connect Mode
12.3. Installation Using VNC
12.3.1. Installation Example
12.3.2. Kickstart Considerations
12.3.3. Firewall Considerations
12.4. References
13. Kickstart Installations
13.1. What are Kickstart Installations?
13.2. How Do You Perform a Kickstart Installation?
13.3. Creating the Kickstart File
13.4. Kickstart Options
13.4.1. Advanced Partitioning Example
13.5. Package Selection
13.6. Pre-installation Script
13.6.1. Example
13.7. Post-installation Script
13.7.1. Examples
13.8. Making the Kickstart File Available
13.8.1. Creating Kickstart Boot Media
13.8.2. Making the Kickstart File Available on the Network
13.9. Making the Installation Tree Available
13.10. Starting a Kickstart Installation
14. Kickstart Configurator
14.1. Basic Configuration
14.2. Installation Method
14.3. Boot Loader Options
14.4. Partition Information
14.4.1. Creating Partitions
14.5. Network Configuration
14.6. Authentication
14.7. Firewall Configuration
14.7.1. SELinux Configuration
14.8. Display Configuration
14.9. Package Selection
14.10. Pre-Installation Script
14.11. Post-Installation Script
14.11.1. Chroot Environment
14.11.2. Use an Interpreter
14.12. Saving the File
IV. After installation
15. Firstboot
15.1. License Agreement
15.2. System User
15.3. Date and Time
15.4. Hardware Profile
16. Your Next Steps
16.1. Updating Your System
16.2. Finishing an Upgrade
16.3. Switching to a Graphical Login
16.4. Subscribing to Fedora Announcements and News
16.5. Finding Documentation and Support
16.6. Joining the Fedora Community
17. Basic System Recovery
17.1. Common Problems
17.1.1. Unable to Boot into Fedora
17.1.2. Hardware/Software Problems
17.1.3. Root Password
17.2. Booting into Rescue Mode
17.2.1. Reinstalling the Boot Loader
17.3. Booting into Single-User Mode
17.4. Booting into Emergency Mode
18. Upgrading Your Current System
18.1. Determining Whether to Upgrade or Re-Install
18.2. Upgrading Your System
19. Removing Fedora
19.1. Fedora is the only operating system on the computer
19.2. Your computer dual-boots Fedora and another operating system
19.2.1. Your computer dual-boots Fedora and a Microsoft Windows operating system
19.2.2. Your computer dual-boots Fedora and Mac OS X
19.2.3. Your computer dual-boots Fedora and a different Linux distribution
19.3. Replacing Fedora with MS-DOS or legacy versions of Microsoft Windows
V. Technical appendixes
A. An Introduction to Disk Partitions
A.1. Hard Disk Basic Concepts
A.1.1. It is Not What You Write, it is How You Write It
A.1.2. Partitions: Turning One Drive Into Many
A.1.3. Partitions within Partitions — An Overview of Extended Partitions
A.1.4. Making Room For Fedora
A.1.5. Partition Naming Scheme
A.1.6. Disk Partitions and Other Operating Systems
A.1.7. Disk Partitions and Mount Points
A.1.8. How Many Partitions?
B. ISCSI disks
B.1. iSCSI disks in anaconda
B.2. iSCSI disks during start up
C. Disk Encryption Guide
C.1. What is block device encryption?
C.2. Encrypting block devices using dm-crypt/LUKS
C.2.1. Overview of LUKS
C.2.2. How will I access the encrypted devices after installation? (System Startup)
C.2.3. Choosing a Good Passphrase
C.3. Creating Encrypted Block Devices in Anaconda
C.3.1. What Kinds of Block Devices Can Be Encrypted?
C.3.2. Limitations of Anaconda's Block Device Encryption Support
C.4. Creating Encrypted Block Devices on the Installed System After Installation
C.4.1. Create the block devices
C.4.2. Optional: Fill the device with random data
C.4.3. Format the device as a dm-crypt/LUKS encrypted device
C.4.4. Create a mapping to allow access to the device's decrypted contents
C.4.5. Create filesystems on the mapped device, or continue to build complex storage structures using the mapped device
C.4.6. Add the mapping information to /etc/crypttab
C.4.7. Add an entry to /etc/fstab
C.5. Common Post-Installation Tasks
C.5.1. Set a randomly generated key as an additional way to access an encrypted block device
C.5.2. Add a new passphrase to an existing device
C.5.3. Remove a passphrase or key from a device
D. Understanding LVM
E. The GRUB Boot Loader
E.1.1. GRUB and the x86 Boot Process
E.1.2. Features of GRUB
E.2. Installing GRUB
E.3. GRUB Terminology
E.3.1. Device Names
E.3.2. File Names and Blocklists
E.3.3. The Root File System and GRUB
E.4. GRUB Interfaces
E.4.1. Interfaces Load Order
E.5. GRUB Commands
E.6. GRUB Menu Configuration File
E.6.1. Configuration File Structure
E.6.2. Configuration File Directives
E.7. Changing Runlevels at Boot Time
E.8. Additional Resources
E.8.1. Installed Documentation
E.8.2. Useful Websites
E.8.3. Related Books
F. Boot Process, Init, and Shutdown
F.1. The Boot Process
F.2. A Detailed Look at the Boot Process
F.2.1. The BIOS
F.2.2. The Boot Loader
F.2.3. The Kernel
F.2.4. The /sbin/init Program
F.3. Running Additional Programs at Boot Time
F.4. SysV Init Runlevels
F.4.1. Runlevels
F.4.2. Runlevel Utilities
F.5. Shutting Down
G. Other Technical Documentation
H. Contributors and production methods
H.1. Contributors
H.2. Production methods
I. Revision History

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