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This filter is new in GIMP 2.2. It does edge detection using
the so-called “Difference of Gaussians” algorithm, which
works by performing two different Gaussian blurs on the image, with a
different blurring radius for each, and subtracting them to
yield the result. This algorithm is very widely used in
artificial vision (maybe in biological vision as well!), and is
pretty fast because there are very efficient methods for doing
Gaussian blurs. The most important parameters are the blurring
radii for the two Gaussian blurs. It is probably easiest to set
them using the preview, but it may help to know that increasing
the smaller radius tends to give thicker-appearing edges, and
decreasing the larger radius tends to increase the “threshold
” for recognizing something as an edge. In most cases you will
get nicer results if Radius 2 is smaller than Radius 1, but
nothing prevents you from reversing them, and in
situations where you have a light figure on the dark background,
reversing them may actually improve the result.