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Chapter 11.  Filters

Table of Contents

1. Filter introduction
2. Blur filters
2.1. Blur filters introduction
2.2. Blur
2.3. Gaussian Blur
2.4. Selective Gaussian Blur
2.5. Motion Blur
2.6. Pixelise
2.7. Tileable Blur
3. Color filters
3.1. Introduction to Color Filters
3.2. Adjust FG-BG
3.3. Alien Map 2
3.4. Two Colors Exchange
3.5. Colormap Rotation
3.6. Map Color Range
3.7. Sample Colorize
3.8. Gradient Map
3.9. Border Average
3.10. Channel Mixer
3.11. Colorcube Analysis
3.12. Colorify
3.13. Color to Alpha
3.14. Compose
3.15. Decompose
3.16. Filter Pack
3.17. Hot
3.18. Max RGB
3.19. Retinex
3.20. Semi-Flatten
3.21. Smooth Palette
3.22. Value invert
4. Noise filters
4.1. Noise filters introduction
4.2. Hurl
4.3. Scatter RGB
4.4. Pick
4.5. Scatter HSV
4.6. Slur
4.7. Spread
5. Edge-detect filters
5.1. Edge-detect introduction
5.2. Difference of Gaussians
5.3. Edge
5.4. Laplace
5.5. Neon
5.6. Sobel
6. Enhance filters
6.1. Enhance filters introduction
6.2. Deinterlace
6.3. Despeckle
6.4. Destripe
6.5. NL Filter
6.6. Sharpen
6.7. Unsharp Mask
7. Generic filters
7.1. Generic filters introduction
7.2. Convolution matrix
7.3. Dilate
7.4. Erode
8. Glass Effects filters
8.1. Glass Effects filters introduction
8.2. Apply Lens
8.3. Glass Tile
9. Light Effects filters
9.1. Light Effects filters introduction
9.2. FlareFX
9.3. Gflare
9.4. Lighting Effects
9.5. Sparkle
9.6. SuperNova
10. Distort filters
10.1. Distort filters introduction
10.2. Blinds
10.3. Curve Bend
10.4. Emboss
10.5. IWarp
10.6. Mosaic
10.7. Page Curl
10.8. Polar Coords
10.9. Ripple
10.10. Shift
10.11. Newsprint
10.12. Video
10.13. Value Propagate
10.14. Waves
10.15. Whirl and Pinch
10.16. Wind
11. Artistic filters
11.1. Artistic filters introduction
11.2. Apply Canvas
11.3. Cartoon
11.4. Cubism
11.5. GIMPressionist
11.6. GIMPressionist - Orientation Map Editor
11.7. GIMPressionist - Size Map Editor
11.8. Oilify
11.9. Photocopy
11.10. Soft Glow
12. Map filters
12.1. Map filters introduction
12.2. Bump Map
12.3. Displace
12.4. Fractal Trace
12.5. Illusion
12.6. Make Seamless
12.7. Map Object
12.8. Paper Tile
12.9. Small Tiles
12.10. Tile
12.11. Warp
12.12. Van Gogh (LIC)
13. Rendering filters
13.1. Render filters introduction
13.2. Plasma
13.3. Solid Noise
13.4. Flame
13.5. IFS Compose
13.6. Diffraction Patterns
13.7. CML Explorer
13.8. Grid
13.9. Maze
13.10. Jigsaw
13.11. Qbist
13.12. Checkerboard
13.13. Sinus
13.14. Fractal Explorer
13.15. Gfig
13.16. Sphere Designer
14. Combine filters
14.1. Combine filters introduction
14.2. Depth Merge
14.3. Film

1.  Filter introduction

Revision History
Revision $Revision: 1.20 $ 2006-10-25 j.h

A filter is a special kind of tool designed to take an input layer or image, apply a mathematical algorithm to it, and return the input layer or image in a modified format. The GIMP uses filters to achieve a variety of effects and those effects are discussed here.

The filters are divided into several categories:

  • Blur

  • Colors

  • Noise

  • Edge-Detect

  • Enhance

  • Generic

  • Glass Effects

  • Light Effects

  • Distorts

  • Artistic

  • Map

  • Render

  • Web

  • Animation

  • Combine

Most filters have a Preview where changes in the image are displayed, in real time (if the “Preview” option is checked), before being applied to the image.

Right clicking on the Preview window opens a submenu which lets you set the Style and the Size of checks representing transparency.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire