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Eclipse Workbench User Guide
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Inspecting the current configuration

The Help > About Eclipse SDK dialog shows most of the important information about the features and plug-in configured in the product. To find out further detailed information about the current configuration:

  1. Open the update configuration manager by clicking Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration . This opens the Product Configuration dialog.
  2. In the Product Configuration dialog expand the root node (current  configuration). The first tier of items are locations on the local computer where the files for features and plug-ins are stored. For a typical product, all features are installed in a single directory sub-tree. However, a feature that is installed as an extension of another product are usually located in a separate directory sub-tree.
  3. Expand the location to see the feature versions installed there.
  4. The nesting of the features indicates which child features are included in a given parent feature. Nested features act as a unit.
  5. Select a feature version and click Show Properties to open the Properties dialog which presents more detailed information about the selected feature.
  6. Click Show Disabled Features filter on the toolbar of the Product Configuration dialog. Any feature versions that are disabled are now shown (you might not have any). Disabled feature versions are ones that are installed on the local computer but excluded from the current configuration. At most one version of any given feature can be present in a given configuration; usually the ones with the lower version numbers will be in a disabled state.
  7. In the Properties dialog of a feature, click Status to find out whether the selected feature is configured exactly as packaged. The status will show when a feature's plug-ins are present at different versions, or disabled due to missing prerequisite plug-ins that are expected to be supplied by some other feature.

In this dialog you can revert to a previous install configuration, view the installation history, or even add another eclipse product extension. A product extension is a local folder that has a similar file layout as the eclipse installation, but with a .eclipseextension marker (instead of .eclipseproduct). If you add a product extension, make sure there are no duplicate features in the extension you add.

When the install wizard is used to install features in a user selected location, that location automatically becomes an eclipse product extension.

Related concepts

Related tasks
Installing new features with the update manager
Updating features with the update manager
Controlling the Eclipse update policy

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire