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Eclipse Workbench User Guide
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Replacing resources in the Workbench

To replace Workbench resources with versions in the repository:

  1. Select a resource in one of the navigation views.
  2. From the resource's pop-up menu, select one of the following menu items:
    • Replace With > Latest From <Branch Name> or <Version> - replace the Workbench resource with the latest resources currently committed to the branch that the local project is shared with or if the local project is checked out as a version then replace with the same version.
    • Team > Revert to Base - replace the Workbench resource with the last checked out revision. Deleted files are restored.
    • Replace With > Another Branch or Version - replace the Workbench resource with a specific version or branch that you select in the repository. When you select this option, another window opens, so that you can browse through the branch and version tags in the repository and select the one that you want.
    • Replace With > History... - (available only on a file) replace the Workbench file with another revision of the file. Based on your preference settings, either the History view or a dialog will open. The History view (or dialog) will contain a table of all available revisions of the selected file. Selecting one of the revisions will show the differences between the workspace revision and the selected revision. To replace the workspace revision, you should select the revision that you want and choose 'Get Contents' from the context menu. This will replace the contents of the workspace file with those of the selected revision.
    • Team > Switch to Another Branch or Version - this update will replace Workbench resources with those on the tag specified in the Update dialog. The behavior differs from the above replace operations in that uncommitted modifications in the Workbench are not replaced but instead are "moved" to the resources from the selected tag. For more details on the specifics of this operation, see the CVS documentation at relating to the use of the -r option with cvs update.

Tip: When replacing with a branch or version or when updating, you can specify a particular date instead of a a version or branch tag. This can be done by right clicking on the Dates category in the tag selection list and choosing Add Date. A Date Tag dialog is displayed that allows you to specify a date and optionally a time. After you click Ok, the date tag will appear in the tag selection list.

Related concepts
Team programming with CVS
Synchronizing with a CVS repository

Related tasks
Checking out a project from a CVS repository
Sharing a new project using CVS
Viewing a file's revision history
Synchronizing with the repository

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