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EclipseJDT Plug-in Developer Guide
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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Package com.sun.mirror.apt

Classes used to communicate information between annotation processors and an annotation processing tool.


Interface Summary
AnnotationProcessor An annotation processor, used to examine and process the annotations of program elements.
AnnotationProcessorEnvironment The environment encapsulating the state needed by an annotation processor.
AnnotationProcessorFactory A factory for creating annotation processors.
AnnotationProcessorListener Superinterface for all annotation processor event listeners.
Filer This interface supports the creation of new files by an annotation processor.
Messager A Messager provides the way for an annotation processor to report error messages, warnings, and other notices.
RoundCompleteListener Listener for the completion of a round of annotation processing.
RoundState Represents the status of a completed round of annotation processing.

Class Summary
AnnotationProcessors Utilities to create specialized annotation processors.
RoundCompleteEvent Event for the completion of a round of annotation processing.

Enum Summary
Filer.Location Locations (subtrees within the file system) where new files are created.

Package com.sun.mirror.apt Description

Classes used to communicate information between annotation processors and an annotation processing tool.

Note that the apt tool and its associated APIs may be changed or superseded in future j2se releases.


Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire