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Eclipse Java Development User Guide
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Changing the contents of a memory location

To change the contents of a memory location in a memory monitor in the Memory view:

  1. In the Monitors pane, select the memory monitor that contains the memory location that you want to edit. Memory will appear in the Renderings pane, where you will perform all other steps. If you have added multiple renderings, select the tab that contains the rendering that you want to edit.
  2. Scroll down to the memory location you want to change. Alternatively, right-click in the monitor and choose the Go to Address pop-up menu item. This will open a Go To Address section at the bottom of the rendering, in which you can enter an address that you want to jump to.
  3. Select the row containing the value that you want to change and then double-click the value that you want to change.

    Tip: If the rendering is currently in focus, you do not need to double-click the value that you want to change to be able to edit it. Rather, you can simply start typing the change and the editor will activate.

  4. Enter a valid value for that memory location.
  5. Press Enter to submit the change. The debugger checks for a valid value.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire