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This statement removes an installed plugin. You cannot uninstall a plugin if any table that uses it is open.

plugin_name must be the name of some plugin that is listed in the mysql.plugin table. The server executes the plugin's deinitialization function and removes the row for the plugin from the mysql.plugin table, so that subsequent server restarts will not load and initialize the plugin. UNINSTALL PLUGIN does not remove the plugin's shared library file.

To use UNINSTALL PLUGIN, you must have the DELETE privilege for the mysql.plugin table.

Plugin removal has implications for the use of associated tables. For example, if a full-text parser plugin is associated with a FULLTEXT index on the table, uninstalling the plugin makes the table unusable. Any attempt to access the table results in an error. The table cannot even be opened, so you cannot drop an index for which the plugin is used. This means that uninstalling a plugin is something to do with care unless you do not care about the table contents. If you are uninstalling a plugin with no intention of reinstalling it later and you care about the table contents, you should dump the table with mysqldump and remove the WITH PARSER clause from the dumped CREATE TABLE statement so that you can reload the table later. If you do not care about the table, DROP TABLE can be used even if any plugins associated with the table are missing.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire